
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Storm Report + You Don't Do Paypal?

Here is Winston before the storm last night. 

I tried to snap a selfie with him - because he is such a pal and he loves me. Here's what I got. He just wanted to roll around and get attention. Love this huge dog!


Happy to tell you all that we got only about 8" of snow. I know others are digging out (or thinking about it). Sorry for you all, seriously - I know how hard it is. We are very relieved because 2 feet of snow makes everything harder - especially sheep farming. I looked at My Farmer the other day in the barn when he was flipping a ewe over to check to see if she had any milk because her lambs did not seem to be "thriving." He looked so tired. It is all taking a toll on him - this has been a really horrible, cold, icy winter - the worst weather since we moved here almost 16 years ago.

That mama that The Farmer had checked did indeed have only one teat producing milk. Sheep have two teats as opposed to cows which have 4 teats. We left her with one lamb and the weaker one is here in the kitchen. I'm not sure it will make it but we will try.

Today there was no school (Julia was thrilled). Because I work freelance, I had to keep going. "Pages" are due for a new book that comes out next summer and the publisher doesn't really care about snow and blizzards considering I work from home. So I persevered and am almost finished with that bit of a chunk of work.

My shipment of books from the warehouse didn't come last night (since when is UPS chicken when the snow has not yet started?) and of course, no books today. I hope for tomorrow! If you ordered after the 18th, your books will be shipped in the next batch. I ran out of tissue paper (also on order and delayed) so if your book arrives in Christmas wrapping paper, just smile, okay?

Seriously everyone - thank you so much for the orders that you are sending me and my family. Keeping me busy and that is totally great! 

If you don't do Paypal, like a few people have written - no problem. You can still support our family by ordering a book from me. Here is how:

Send a check for $27.95 written out to Kristin Nicholas and tell me you want a book, which bookplate (Flower or House), and how to sign it. (If you are in Massachusetts, make it for $29.70. Send the check to:

Kristin Nicholas
PO Box 212
Bernardston, MA 01337

and my friend Jim, the Bernardston Postmaster, will make sure I get it. If you want to give me a heads-up that the check is coming to the PO, send me an email at kristinnicholas AT gmail DOT com. 

If you would like to see some more previews from Crafting a Colorful Home, check out the post over on WiseCraft today here. Thanks so much Blair!


  1. Love the selfies! Winston is so cute.
    Glad the snow is not too unmanageable. You guys work so hard!
    Happy winter and get ready for the next one. We've got two big snowstorms predicted between now and Monday!

  2. Still have your ear..? ;-D

    Happy to hear that you managed to "escape" most of the "Buffalo"-esque Dumpfest! I've been tracking the radar maps... Looks like the Coast and off-shore got the brunt of it..? -- Been flake-less up Here, just COLD! Windchills have been in the -12F range. Actually, these temps *used to be* NORMAL averages 16 years ago! And daytimes temps were around -35F, a for a few days! Walking a mile to Work in my hooded-long-length 20-pound long-hair-Beaver coat was always an "experience"... [I literally looked like a Bear in it!] However, with the *warmer* Winters and "retirement", my Coat has been in Storage for over a decade.
    Ahh.. back-in-the-day when winter was WINTER!

    Well, I've got a WOOL Blanket to finish crocheting. - Taking my time as IT's warm being under!

  3. What an adorable picture of you and your baby. I'm so happy you only got 8". We got closer to 2 feet but have a very ambitious friendly young neighbor who loves to use his new plow and dig us out. Amen for that!

  4. In Vermont, we did not get the snow that they had thought we would. We have a new layer, just enough to cover all brown, crusty old snow but not enough to make life more difficult.

    Love the selfie!!

  5. Stay warm! And happy book selling and knitting!

  6. Aww Winston, so cute with his momma. We live across the lane from a goat farmer with a Great Pyrenees named Hoss. He is just the best, and man he watches his flock! But is so gentle with our smaller dogs and us. They are just lovely dogs.

  7. I shudder to think of a winter worst than last winter! Ugh. I send you wishes for strength to endure. Thanks for the sweet lamb pics too.

  8. I just wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying the new book! I have always loved coming across pics of your farmhouse. We are on a tight cash flow these days and this is the first book I've purchased in quite a while but haven't had one smidgeon of buyer's remorse!Stay warm!


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,