
Friday, March 23, 2007

My part is finished - almost

I'm back after four days in photo shoot land. I was fortunate to work with a good team - here's a photo of Kevin the photographer across the street from our last shot, using a long lense on his digital camera. What a clever guy, taking his life in his hands, shooting from the middle of the road or down on his belly - all for the photos of my knits! Thanks Kevin. And Sheri his able assistant. And Cindy Book Designer / Art Director extraordinaire.

Here's Robin, the wardrobe stylist running out of the shot quickly after tweeking an outfit. Photos are totally of the moment - the light can change when cloud hides the sun and the opportunity is over. Everyone involved has to be quick.

Talk about an exhausting process! But I'm hoping that knitters will love this new book. It should be out in the fall if all goes well. There are 27 projects and I must say, I pretty much love them all - that doesn't often happen. I can't give you any sneak peeks right now except for the cover. (And yes, I know Amazon has my name spelled wrong. I am trying to get that fixed but that's another story.) But later in the summer - maybe! Believe me - the title of the book - Kristin Knits - wasn't my idea. I'm a bit embarrassed by it in fact having my face plastered on the cover. Those marketing gurus over at Storey love it. And what do I know? Basically, it is a book about Colorful Knitting - which was my choice for the title but that was a while back. It is a follow-up to Colorful Stitchery and almost every project has some embroidery on it!

I slept until 10 this morning and I am still wiped. I really don't know how photographers do it. I assume they get used to it. They also aren't tied up into the emotional aspect of making the product look good.

When I do a book, I put my heart and soul into it and then I hope someone out there likes it and buys it. It is a long process and by the time the book comes out, I am usually onto other things. It will be awhile until this book goes to print. I will still be involved - but not as involved as when I was putting all the projects together, writing the copy and just now, hoping the photos turn out okay.

When I got home, I was thrilled to find 3 copies of Colorful Stitchery in my mailbox in of all languages - Indonesian. Look carefully and you'll see some words you can't understand. I know there is a vast textile history within the cultures of Indonesia. But I'm surprised they were the first to translate the book. It is totally thrilling (but not exactly lucrative) to have your book published in another language. When they go through my stuff when I'm no longer inhabiting this earth, maybe someone will notice it amongst the bookshelves before it ends up in a dumpster.

p.s I'll be selling the new book via my website later this summer - much closer to publication date. If you'd like an autographed copy, I would love to sell you one!


  1. I love the cover of the new book; the colors are great. You look very nonchalant; a great pose for an accomplished designer/author/shepherdess and mother. Congratulations!

  2. The cover is so appealing (as will be the projects inside, I'm sure). I am really looking forward to the book coming out. I think most of us in the "fiber community" really like having a face to put to our favorite mentors. Somehow it makes us feel as though we know you a little better and that you can somehow know we are out here appreciating your creative efforts.

  3. The cover looks beautiful (you too!) I can't wait to buy it.I really love both your embroidery books...I use them all the time.
    :) laura

  4. The cover looks great! So looking forward to the new book, just look at those pretty projects peeking out!

  5. Do you get to choose your picture for the book? You look bored in the photo!

  6. I enjoy reading your blog and love your designs. In fact, you designed one of the sweaters that was a favorite of mine to knit (and wear). I'm looking forward to your new book. Tamara

  7. I look bored you say? Let me tell you - it was pure exhaustion at 7:00 p.m. after a really long shoot for Colorful Stitchery. Kristin, would you please sit in that chair and try to look presentable? It was the best I could do.

    This from a woman who runs away from a camera anywhere unless it is in her hands.

  8. Congratulations! As another Kristin I can't tell you how thrilled I am to see the title! My family will be amazed to see a book which basically titles my life- ha! I can totally relate to the in vs. en thing. It happens all the time. Of course, they did have your name right there on the cover. Anyway, I look forward to seeing it and would definitely like a signed copy, from one Kristin to another.

  9. I am so looking forward to seeing this book!

  10. I will search out your book--especially since you're a fan of Hugh F-W, of River Cottage fame!

  11. Congratulations on the book Kristin! I can't wait to see it!

    Guess what--I could read the title of the book translated into Indonesian! I used to live there (12 years) and the words Cantik dan Trendi jumped out at me--beautiful and trendy (loan word). Actually I'm not surprised that the colorful patterns appeal to Indonesians considering the tradition of colorful batik paintings.

  12. Oh yes, please,put me on list to buy an autographed copy!

  13. oh yay! i love your esthetic so i'm looking forward to your new book. i would love an autographed copy! keep us posted!

  14. Congratulations! I am thrilled there is a new book mostly because I keep re-knitting your old tapestry designs which I love. There is just something wonderful about how you put colors togethe. Please put me on the list for a signed copy.

  15. Congratulations! Beautiful cover. I'm sure I'll love it just as much as Colorful Stitchery.

  16. Well done! I so look forward to reading it - I've been an avid reader of your blog since I discovered it. Please put me on the list for an autographed copy. Congratulations!


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Have a great day,