
Monday, April 02, 2007

Colorful Things

Thanks to Amy at the Flickr Embroidery Blog for the nice review of Colorful Stitchery! I hope this brings some new stitchers to the Colorful Stitchery Stitchalong blog too! Here's her nice blog which is also worth a look!

Here's a colorful detail of an Indian embroidered cloth from my collection to brighten your day. We're in for a week of rain but we all know what April Showers bring.


  1. WEEDS! Lots and lots of WEEDS! ;-)

    So glad I found your blog—I love your color work and love your sweater patterns. Just last year I completed a sweater for my Mum from a pattern from your Classic Elite years (Land's End Labyrinth). She LOVED it!

    Sorry to hear about the sheep getting into the laurel—hope the six ill ones recover quickly.



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Have a great day,