
Friday, April 06, 2007

Eggs, Eggs, Eggs

Aqua, Olive, and Blue Eggs by my Aracauna chickens

Buff, Apricot, and Tan Eggs from my chickens

Brightly colored eggs by Julia (purchased white from the market)

Overdyed brown eggs by Julia

Yarn Eggs (Julia Yarn) by Kristin Nicholas

Wherever you are this weekend, celebrate the rebirth that spring is.


  1. Beautiful colors- of all kinds.
    Have a nice easter.

  2. Wow! What fun you are having! I love those yarn eggs!

  3. I love the natural colored eggs. So m any people think all eggs are white like they see in the store. But since I don't eat eggs, I like the Yarn Eggs best.

  4. oh, those yarn eggs do look delightful! ;) A very happy spring weekend to you, too!

  5. Your eggs and the photos you took are absolutely beautiful. Such simple beauty. Here is wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday weekend and hoping that Spring shows its face there soon.

  6. I love all those eggs! Happy Easter to you in western Mass.

  7. Happy Easter - Do you have a sign at the end of the drive "Fresh Eggs"?

    When my 'Lamb's Kill' blooms, I will send a photo. It took a beating this past winter, so I hope I get a bloom or two, as I moved it last fall - more stress for the poor plant that was originally moved from NS to BC!

  8. I don't care much for eggses as a rule, but Julia's are perfect -especially the overdyed ones. Hee! And I do love those yarnish eggs. Those I could enjoy! :D

  9. Have you ever made Pysanky? I bet yours would be outrageous! :D

  10. Aracauna eggs, yarn eggs. I love them both. Wonderful and (has anyone punned yet?) eggs-travagant.

  11. Beautiful colors...
    I love the natural colord eggs.The yarn eggs looks so delightfull.
    Wish you a nice easter.

  12. Wishing you the happiness that is found in this season Kristen. I love visiting here and seeing the babies and all that you're up to. I'm so happy to hear that it wasn't worse with the Laurel, but I know it's hard to have lost the one.
    The weather you all are having is really something! We had snow nearby last week, 78 degrees 2 days ago, which is very warm for this time of year here, and yesterday it was cold and rainy.
    This egg post is very pretty!

  13. I love the coloured eggs but I think I love the woollie eggs even better! What a fabulous idea! Spring has definitely sprung here in the NE of Scotland!!

  14. Gorgeous colors on the eggs and loved the yarn ones! A virtual feast for the eyes!
    I loved the lambs as well... I think I could become a Vegetarian looking at those sweet lambs... but nawwwwwww I love meat too much!
    Hugs Ruth


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