
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Cummington is Coming this Weekend

Julia and I will be visiting the local Sheep and Wool Festival on Sunday. For all you Boston fiberholics and knitters, Cummington is a quick drive - about two hours. It is just west of Northampton. "Cummington," as local fiber people call it, is a nice, small-time, family friendly fiber festival - dog trials, sheep shows, and some yarn but not at all crowded. It's all about the kids showing and how much work it takes to be a fiber farmer.

I have a feeling The Farmer is going to be making hay. Yes, it is that time of year already. So much hay to cut, so little time, and a business to run besides. He is hoping that the weather will cooperate and that it can all be put up into round bales and wrapped for sileage successfully. I am, on the other hand, hoping it will rain just enough on Sunday so he will race to get it all taken care of Saturday night.

I have to find a friend to go with if The Farmer can't go - I'm meeting up with Guido from "It's a Purl Man" podcast fame for a quick interview. Julia loves to talk, has been on the radio several times, and would definitely steal the show. I hope it happens because I think podcasting is a great medium .... and with my book coming out in the fall, it might help create a buzz.... I've listened to a bunch of interviews over at Knitcast. But once again, my slow connection lessens my desire to listen to podcasts that are too long. I downloaded an interview of Guido's but had to do it overnite because after 3 hours of downloading it was only 30% finished. All you out there with quick connections, I'm envious.

But then if I had a quick connection, I probably wouldn't be looking at this bucolic sight.

Nor this.

To tell you the truth, it isn't too bucolic nor pastoral - look hard. That sheep is scratching its back on our apple trees. Sheep are so totally destructive. Last week, they were grazing the lawn and The Farmer forgot to remove the Adirondack chairs. You guessed it, they are now a heap of sticks. Outdoor stuff just has a short life around here because of the darn critters. I've got to remember to just keep picking up stuff on the side of the road because anything nice in the yard is toast. Two hundred pounds of sheep times 150 can do a bunch of damage.


  1. Oh Goody! Goody! I'll be in Cummington on Sunday, too! I'm teaching two workshops - I'll be up by the food, stop by and say hi!! Whee!!

  2. Sorry, but I won't be in Cummington on Sunday - the airfare from BC to Maine is a bit prohibitive! I will certainly listen for your interview on It's A Purl Man! I would love your bucolic life and would gladly give up my high speed connection. It might take time to download, but Kelly of Knitpicks does a great podcast on wool and its wonderful properties on Episode 4 of her podcasts.
    I just never thought of sheep as being destructive, but now I think about it, I can understand - size times volume - something will have to give!

  3. Years ago when we had sheep my husband used to let just a few into our back yard. The first year they all but decimated a lilac I had been coddling. The second year he remembered about the lilac and covered it with a large plastic bin. It worked wonders...except that we forgot to take the bin off of the lilac. As any plant needs sun and water, you know what happened to that poor lilac.

  4. Love hearing about your farm. I'll look at your pastoral photos with glasses slightly tinted rose and try not to think of the poor Adirondack chairs!

  5. ER! I planned my Western Mass adventure a week too early and was in Northampton last weekend! Thank you for the info though, I will listen to the podcast AND mark next year's wool fest on my calendar! Also, I love your sheep pictures and can't wait to see your book!!


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Have a great day,