
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A Fiber Filled Weekend

Our little family headed off to Dummerston, VT with friends to meet new friends – M. and Coren and their cashmere goats. What a pleasure. I had never met a cashmere goat in person although I have worn a wee bit of their fiber. Here Juila is feeding one of the mamas some oats. What a nice afternoon. These goats originated in Maine. There's lots to learn about American cashmere goats - although after last summer's goat disaster (see August 8, 2006), I am wary of any goat living here - dairy, mohair or cashmere.

Sunday, we went to the MASS Sheep & Wool Festival and met up with some new and some old friends. It was so much fun meeting Guido of the podcast "It’s a Purl, Man" and his fiance Pumpkin. What fun they are - enthusiastic knitters too! Guido interviewed Julia – which really made her feel special. He asked her about children’s books – quite appropo for a kid who loves reading and books. Then I did a little interview for his podcast also. It was painless and fun.

I got to see the chuppah in progress that Guido and Pumpkin are making for their wedding in October. (That’s it around his neck.) What an amazing thing for a couple to do together– knit a wedding canopy. I can’t wait to see photos! In progress, it was a work of art.

I’ll let you know when the podcast is on line.

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