
Thursday, June 07, 2007

Lilacs in a Amethyst Glass Bottle

Last May at the Brimfield Flea Market, I snagged three dark purple glass bottles from a vendor who came from Canada. They were right in my price range - not much - and they were a beautiful color. I had visions of piling old-fashioned lilacs into the openings and setting them in my kitchen window. The added bonus was that I have kept them in my windows all year round and they cheer up the landscape with their beautiful color when it is bleak and cold.

Our old-fashioned lilacs have gone by for the year but I've got these photos to remember them by. Now, I'm looking forward to blooms from the Asian lilacs which I have planted since I have lived here. I can't say I am quite as fond of them as the taller, more wild looking shrubs that have probably been living here for over 100 years. But they do lengthen the bloom time.

Here are some recent knitted swatches inspired by the colors in these photos.


  1. Kristin, Once again you have riled up my green with envy streak. Looking out of the window I assume is your kitchen window is breathtaking. I have always been a lover of Country Living, can you tell? I enjoy seeing how nature effects your knitting designs.

  2. Oh, my favorite color combo... green and purple (in any of their shades, tones and values). Just lovely.
    Templeton the cat? That's wonderful! He's a cutie. Hope he doesn't get into the garbage (like his namesake) too much.

  3. I LOVE your swatches (and your bottle with lilacs). Those swatches with others make me want to put them together in a blanket for a grandbaby :)

  4. I go away for three days and see how much I missed out on! Vogue, publlishing and lilacs.

    I love the swatches. I can see so much more clearly how color "works". Thanks!

  5. Hello. Just love your blog!..What beautiful bottles and swatches. Your life on your sheep farm sounds fantastic. We have a small 10 acre farm in Vermont...We are in the process of building a small barn in which we will have chickens...and one day...a couple sheep. I've enjoyed my visit very much...would you mind if I put your link on my blog?

    Take care

  6. Hi Kristin, just cruising through blogland and came upon your it! Your knitted swatches are beautiful, I love the colors combo. Toni


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Have a great day,