
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Blooming Beauties

When we left for Maine, there were three rows of sunflowers blooming. We were gone just a week and came home to a field full of colorful flowers. They're just so incredibly beautiful, aren't they? It never ceases to amaze me that something so beautiful and large can grow from such a tiny little seed.

We're rushing to set up our little self-serve wagon. I've been re-painting signs that peeled over the winter. And this year we're hoping to build three scarecrows. And then there's the flowers to pick. I don't have much time for anything else. The season is short and so I've got to do it while they're beautiful and sellable.

If you want to come visit our sunflower field, the address is 562 Leyden Road, Greenfield, MA 01301. Chances are, you might catch me there somewhere in the field, a bunch of flowers in hand. Please park on the side of the driveway so the neighbors we share the common drive with can get to their homes. The field should be looking good for at least two weeks. We'll have pumpkins (we hope) in a few weeks too.


  1. I wish I could pop over and get some. So yellow, so big, so gorgeous!

  2. Sunflowers and pumpkins - I love the fall. I wish we lived close enough so that I could come and see your sunflower field and meet you in person, Kristin. I guess I'll have to settle for your lovely photos. I hope Julia has settled into the school routine well and that you and The Farmer aren't working too hard. Cheers!


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