
Sunday, September 30, 2007

Come Visit the Sunflowers

Come visit our Sunflower Field. It's blooming like crazy! Here's a link to Mapquest to find it. The address is 562 Leyden Road, Greenfield, MA 01301 (note that we don't live at the field so please don't send mail to that address).

If you do plan on coming, give me a heads-up so I can try to be around to say Hi.

And yes, I know the date is wrong - I just wanted to keep this post at the beginning of my blog until the sunflowers stop blooming.


  1. Wish i could visit your field and flower stand. How many bunches do you usually make up and sell each year? Is this an activity that Julia gets involved in?
    I love the sunflower hat. I posted some cosmos in my blog this week. Orchids are exotic, but simple flowers like cosmos and sunflowers give me more pleasure than the exotics!

  2. Your sunflowers are gorgeous, wish I could visit...
    Why is your post dated "Sunday, September 30"?? strange...or else I need more coffee...(working on my first cup)!

  3. Hi, I just listened to your interview on Guido's podcast (Purlman). I know, I'm very slow, aren't I? Very interesting, I'm intrigued about your work with color. I've ordered your book.
    Then I came over here. That Sept. 30 thing was a bit strange, but maybe that's when you think the sunflowers will bloom? :)

  4. I love sunflowers - and what a wonderful picture.

  5. How beautiful they are! Too bad its too far of a drive from Georgia for me.

  6. I do so love sunflowers. I don't know where they came from, but blue jays would suddenly appear in the yard when the sunflower seeds were ripe.

  7. Your sunflower pictures are beautiful. Thanks for the invitation to come by and see them. I would ask before I snapped a picture and I'd also buy a bunch. However, a trip to MA is not in the plan during this blooming season.

  8. Thanks for the invite. I'll be right over. ;)

  9. so beautiful.........I would take pictures and buy some.......we do not grow sunflowers here......

  10. Gorgoeus Kristin!-- just like your work. I am so looking forward to your new book.

    Best of luck to all of you with Julia's surgery.

  11. I have been up and down Leyden Road many many times! Wish I could stop by, but I'm way down South now . . .

  12. Love to visit, they are one of my favourite flowers, but you just may be alittle far away!! Tracey

  13. those sunflowers are beautiful!! I love your blog Kristin. and am a big fan!


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