
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Look what we found

Friday night we finally found what we have been looking for......

Can you see them all? There are five kittens - all orange striped. Three with white on them and two all orange stripey. We're still in shock! They are about four to five weeks old. Their momma LilyPons is doing a wonderful job. Julia is going to work on socializing them, along with help from the doggies and other cats. Lots of little hissing going on around here. But pretty cute to say the least.

Kind of fitting to have the orange kittens at orange sunflower time, isn't it?


  1. Oh yay! Isn't LilyPons the one who took that little "vacation?" How long was she gone?

    Enjoy that fierce hissing!

  2. My favorite color on my favovite things. Beautiful kittens and sunflowers.

  3. I'll show Simba/Sienna the pics of his siblings tonight.


    PS: get Mom fixed - she is becoming a kitten machine.

  4. She barely looks big enough to have the 5 of them...they're adorable! Love red kitties...

  5. I think Lily Pons needs a trip to the vet. Or on the farm do you allow your cats to have litters to keep the critter population down?
    I covet those sunflowers. I think I need to plant a few dozen next year...although at maturity they can be considered "bait" for the local birds say MY cats.

  6. Kittens are cute but there are more in the world already than can be adopted. I hope you are going to get that cat spayed.

    Kitten Lover

  7. I love, love, love orange kittens! They are adorable.

    Also love that sunflower - wonder if they would grow on my balcony??


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