
Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Sweetness of Ellen

Ellen Edson is a local songwriter and singer. I met her through Julia when she was the Early Childhood Coordinator for our local school district. Ellen used to sing with the children at Julia's child care program before she went to school, along with other things. Ellen has gone on to become the Principal of one of our district's schools.

Ellen approached me last year to do some artwork for her new CD. She gave me a preview CD and Julia and I listened to it to see what it would inspire artwise. The only stipulation she gave me was that the name of the CD would be "The Sweetness of You" and that somewhere in the illustration, there should be strawberries and blueberries. I came up with six different ideas for the artwork and sent them to her. Luckily, we both agreed on the one which we thought set the tone for the CD - a little chick sitting upon a hen.

I did the artwork and threw in some extra spot art. I gave it to Ellen at the end of last summer. Then I waited. It took awhile but the CD is finally released. Here's the link to it if you're interested in children's music. Trust me - you will love it. Ellen's voice is so melodic and the instruments beautifully played. We played it in the car constantly for days on end.

Thanks for the vote of confidence Ellen and for asking me to do the artwork! It's really exciting to see my artwork on an official CD!


  1. The CD-cover is just so sweet!
    And I really like the sunflower hat as well. Those blooming sunflowers looks so cheerful- I've never seen so many at once!(Around here the kids grow one or two and have a contest as to who gets the biggest/tallest sunflower! Most years the weather is too cold and too wet to get any decent looking ones at all!!!)

  2. Kristin, thank you SO much for the heads-up about Ellen's music! I wrote a post about it today, if you want check it out.

    And I love the illustrations!

  3. I've been on vacation and not catching up. Today I enjoyed the sunflowers and jumped right over to order this CD my first grandbaby is on the way! Lots of good thoughts for Ms Julia too!


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Have a great day,