
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Vacation, What Vacation? Where Did It Go?

We are back from a wonderful visit to an island off the coast of Maine. We spent six days of doing nothing, reading,

eating with friends, visiting various beaches, watching dogs chase sticks,

painting a quick picture and eating lobster and mussels freshly plucked from the ocean in front of the home we stayed in.

The Farmer and I have been visiting this particular island and friend since 1987. After a 40 minute ferry ride, all our cares slip away. Island life doesn’t seem to have changed since we first visited except that a few of the roads are now paved and the ferry holds 15 cars instead of 10.

This year there was a brand new although very small grocery store. Some years, there isn’t a store. We always load up the car with groceries before we leave home. It’s hard to decide what you are going to eat a week ahead but it seems to work out. And if all else fails, it’s a short walk down to the ocean to collect mussels which are particular favorites of mine. This is the beach we pluck the mussels from.

A visit to the lobster coop yields some mighty fresh and amazing lobsters for dinner, lobster salad and lobster chowder.

More in a couple days. Things are quite crazy busy here and so it’s going to be difficult to post too much. I knew the "summertime feeling" would evaporate in a blink of an eye and it surely has this week.


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful break. I think there's nothing quite like spending time by the ocean to "restore the soul" and get ready for the next round of day-to-day living.

  2. How wonderful. Looks very like where we go on Bailey Island, in Casco Bay. I love getting fresh affordable lobster, and picking mussels - getting them free for the taking pleases me inordinately (just have to be sure there's no red tide). It does the mind and soul a world of good.

  3. Hmmm, I can't decide if I'm chartreuse, sage or apple with envy! :)
    That little house on the beach looks like something out of The Crucible - what a wonder way to get away from it all.
    I'm glad you had a great time.

  4. Oh, I miss Maine (and Massachusetts)! Are you going to reveal your lovely location? My first guess was Islesboro, but that's because it's my favorite secluded Maine isle.

  5. Hold on to the memories. Every once in a while, close your eyes and remember those days. You'll be refreshed!
    I can imagine the smile on Julie's face, walking along the beach.

  6. I am from central California, it is literally the smog capitol of the world..I always had this crazy fantasy of living on an island...
    Eight years ago I was invited to visit Peak's Island off the coast of Maine...Got to stay a week...We went out and gathered a bucket of Maine clam off the beach, clean them, rode the ferry back to Portland and went to this fish market and purchase 3 lb lobster, went back to the island and a feast that I will never are so right about riding the ferry to the island, it truly does let all the cares slip away ...What a wonderful place to go and vacation with the family...I am so envious!! Trying to keep cool in California..:)

  7. It sounds and looks like you had a relaxing week.

  8. Did you snag my vacation photos? I swear, those look just like my shots of Maine. Okay, maybe the deck chairs were a different color...

  9. Your pictures make me home/heart sick for Maine. We used to own a home on Vinalhaven and your pictures take me right back. There's nothing like spending time on an island in Maine during the summer.

  10. Thanks for those lovely photos - I am so envious. I didn't get to Maine this summer.


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Have a great day,