
Monday, October 22, 2007

Meeting and Greeting in Rhinebeck

The NYS Sheep and Wool Festival at Rhinebeck was so much fun yesterday! I wasn't expecting much because lots of times I just sit alone at a book signing. But boy, were the people there. I met so many of you who read my blog and other bloggers. It was just so nice to put faces with the blog names and meaningless stat numbers! I thank everyone who came and said hi. It really was great to meet each and every person. And thank you to Scott Meyer and Merritt Books for hosting the event.

We had one little box of Kristin Knits books and blew through them early in the day. The rest of the day I talked to knitters, husbands, and kids. It was so busy I didn't get a chance to talk to the other authors who were visiting which was sad. When you do these things, you're supposed to meet the people and I take it pretty seriously. Missed opportunities though to network with other writers! I also didn't have a minute to walk around and had to wait to see a live sheep until I got home late last night!

Saturday night I went to Morehouse Farm in Red Hook for their annual party. The store is so beautifully merchandised and it was packed with knitters. I'm glad I got to visit it because sadly I heard from Albrecht that they are closing the shop and going to concentrate on their on-line business.

It was so great to see lots of old friends and meet some new ones - especially Woolamena the Sheep. Seriously, Woolamena, aka Millie Bankert, is a dear friend of mine. She even knit a pair of socks for the new book. It was a bit disconcerting talking to a sheep and trying to catch up with our lives so we will have to have a phone conversation soon!


  1. I was so glad to meet and talk to you! I even just pre-ordered the book.

  2. Millie was Woolamena??!! Wow, that brings back memories....


  3. it was great meeting you yesterday. i'm glad i came early in the day and was able to snag one of your books. thanks for the sunflower.

  4. It was great meeting you on Saturday night and the next morning. I am so happy I picked up your book early in the day. I can't wait to read the article in the next Interweave.

  5. Kristin, I dropped by the booksigning tent early on, and you were busy talking and signing books, so I didn't want to bother you. (after all, I thought, she's making money over there!) Now I'm so sorry I didn't say hello. I was there to meet up with a representative for my publisher, but so would have enjoyed meeting you. Maybe "next time" our paths cross...! Be well!


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,