
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Red Sox Parade by Default

Julia had an eye doctor appointment in Boston yesterday. It was scheduled five weeks ago after her surgery. How were we to know the Red Sox would win the World Series? Chances were pretty slim after their history. We left a little earlier than normal after hearing that the parade going through the center of town. Julia’s doctor is smack downtown and I knew it would be dicey. When I got to Arlington, I knew things were bad - a traffic jam at Alewife like one I have never seen. I drove on, exiting Storrow Drive only to be turned away by a multitude of policeman and barricades.

At this point, I gave up all hope of getting to see the doctor. I had to surrender to the Red Sox hysteria and see what happened. I wound my way around several cattle paths (that’s what the streets are like in Boston). After 40 minutes of driving around and around, we got to the hospital which borders Chinatown very late. Not that we weren’t the only one with the same problem!

The doctor thinks Julia’s eyes are progressing nicely after the surgery. He said it takes about 3 to 4 month for everything to settle in. We go back right after New Years and we’re hoping for the best. She told us yesterday that she was seeing better.

Since we were there, we decided to go check out the parade. By the time we got to Boston Common, the Duck Boats and the players were long gone. But there were crowds of fans – young and old. Everyone had red shirts on and little socks decorated everything. You would have thought there was some kind of knitting event going on. The hysteria the Red Sox fans have for their team is the same kind of energy knitters generate at a big knitting event like Stitches or Rhinebeck.

I can’t say we are big baseball fans. We don’t even get the t.v. station you can watch the Sox on. But it was fun to land in the midst of the hysteria unexpectedly. I bet the little boys at school are going to be envious of Julia!


  1. i like that you compared the redsox hysteria with the rhinebeck hysteria. at rhinebeck a young woman that i met told me in a rather superior tone that she didn't understand what the redsox fuss was all about. of course she was knitting as she said that. and at the time, i couldn't think of a way to explain it to her. i should have compared it to knitting.

    we are all trekkies in one shape or another.

  2. I'm glad things are going well with Julia's eyes!

    -- Grace in MA

  3. I stumbled upon your blog from Kids Craft Weekly and I was drawn to that familiar Red Sox symbol like a moth to my stash. I am a Tennessee knitter and Red Sox fanatic from childhood.

    I understand all sorts of fanaticism. Right now,the weather is colder and wetter and it's time for some serious sock knitting.

    Thanks for the inspiring colors of fall. With the drought here, there is not much color.

    I long for the leaves of Deerfield and Northhampton that I remember so well from my days living there and going to school. I am awash in nostalgia...and the drab green merino on my needles looks so...dull.


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