
Friday, October 26, 2007

Sheep in late October

First of all - remember that this weekend is Franklin County's FiberTwist. I will be at the marketplace on Saturday all day and we're hoping to tour a couple of farms on Sunday. If you're coming, which I hope many people are, and want to visit the Scarecrows in the Park, they are at the intersection of Routes 5 and 10 in Bernardston, MA. Bernardston is the last town in Massachusetts and just off Route 91 - about 15 minutes north of Deerfield where the FiberTwist Marketplace is.

The other night, I walked up the road with Julia... find The Farmer moving the portable electro-net fences. By the end of the day, the sheep are ready for a new section of grass. Do you see the difference in the color of the grass? The tan they have eaten off and the green is their new meal. We don't overgraze a field so the pasture can grow back quickly.

The scene is so pastoral and beautiful. I know the sheep don't see it that way. They are just trying to fill their stomaches. But we like to watch them graze quietly.

And then the sun went down and we left them to their business.


  1. Wow what spectacular photos! They are all beautiful!

  2. Gorgeous fall photos! Hope to meet you on Saturday.

  3. Beautiful photos!!!

    And the scarecrows of last post: Great! Just great!!

  4. Really beautiful photos, thanks for sharing.

    -- Grace in MA

  5. ok, I want to move into those pictures! with yarn and yarn on the hoof!

  6. The photos are stunning, really relaxing just looking at them

  7. Wow! Absolutely gorgeous photography.


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Have a great day,