
Monday, December 10, 2007

It's a Virtual Book Launch Party and Yarn Giveaway!

NOTE TO REGULAR BLOG READERS: Posts from November 26 until December 10th (the date of the drawing) will be showing up below this post. Don't worry, I haven't stopped posting. There's lots new to read below. I just need to keep the Virtual Book Launch and Yarn Giveaway at the top of this page because there are so many new visitors!

How do you launch a book in cyberspace? I’ve been thinking about this for a good long time now. I can’t invite you all over to my house and entertain you with fine wines and fancy desserts. I wish I could – we would all have such a great time, wouldn’t we? I know there are lots of great ideas out there and I wouldn't mind being interviewed on a blog or two. But for now, here's what I have planned.

Since I can’t have the party of my dreams and because everyone in the world is just too busy preparing for the holidays, I’ve come up with a secondary plan with a little help from my friends at Westminster Fibers, the distributors of my Julia Yarn.

We’re having a free yarn giveaway! Five lucky knitters are going to win twenty 50 gram balls of Julia Yarn in assorted colors. With these 20 skeins you should be able to make lots and lots of the multi-colored projects in Kristin Knits!

Here’s what you do.

1. Send me an email at this address: kristinnicholasATgmailDOTcom (replace the AT and the DOT with the appropriate symbols).

2. In the subject line – write yarn giveaway or something similar.

3. Make sure you spell my name my way - kristin NOT KRISTEN. Evidently there is another woman with the same name and email address as me, but her name is spelled differently. Poor woman - she's been getting lots of requests for a yarn giveaway!!!! I bet she's struggled with her name being spelled incorrectly for years just like me!

4. Tell lots of your real and virtual knitting friends about Kristin Knits and the free yarn giveaway.

Julia and I will be drawing the five lucky winners on December 10th so enter soon. Please only one entry per person. This entry will be staying at the top of my blog page until the drawing occurs.

Spread the word!


  1. Can I enter? Or should I recuse myself as the author of your IK interview? Boy, I'd love to have that yarn! I'm already planning on knitting the mitts from the book--me, who swore she would never knit mitts and now realizes that they do indeed have some use for cold offices.

  2. Yay! I'm off to send that email right now!

  3. I love the book. I have already been talking it up to my knit group.

  4. I just saw your book at one of the local yarn stores the other day, and they had just stocked the shelves with Julia yarn, too! I also just used a ball of the Geranium color the other day for a project and have to say that I. LOVE. IT. It's so smooth and soft and nice to work with, and yet seems so sturdy at the same time. I can't wait to use it more in the future!

  5. i was just going to write you a thank you note...i LOVE your book and postcards...thank you so much!

    i started with the fingerless flower gloves and they are turning out to be so lovely!

    i passed your book around to my knitting friends stop my local yarn store where i will request that they carry your yarn ...i think it will be an easy sell!!

    :) laura f

  6. I'm going to email you, but congrats on the book! And oh spell your name correctly - As does my cousin who is ALSO Kristin!

  7. Hi-
    I'm new to your blog and I love it! I am a newly inspired knitter and I could sure use some great yarn! I already emailed you.
    Thanks for the great contest!

  8. Oh my goodness, I should have made a special mention of this yarn giveaway on my blog. I will try to do that tomorrow. I think that is a great prize, so exciting. Just looking at that picture of your yarn is inspiring.

  9. Thanks for the contest. I have your book on order for my library...we have a great knitting group too. Good luck with your sales!

  10. I just sent an email as well :-) Congrats on the book!

  11. What a winfall ! I hope I will be one of the lucky winners :)

  12. I sent you an e-mail earlier.

    I'd love to win (and who wouldn't)

  13. What a great idea! I sure hope I win!~

    I've not seen your book, but I'm already planning my next Barnes and Noble outing to include my search for it! Hope we have it down here in E.TN. If not, maybe they can order it for me!


  14. Excellent!!! I can't wait to go find your book too. Congrats!

  15. Email has been sent

    Where does one get your book?

    I am new to your blog

  16. oh i am intrigued by your book. the problem in denmark is that there is almost no possibility to see what you buy before buying. so i take chances. but i have been quite successful so far and i loved marilyn's interview with you in IK and i adore your blog. no wonder that you can become inspired to some serious colourwork!!! and then i am in love with the fact that you had a yarn named after your daughter. after all not many have.

  17. But, but, but....

    If we spread the word, that lessens our chances of winning! I say "Mum's the word!"

    Kidding, of course, I'm spreading it now!

  18. I nabbed the first copy my LYS had, and then they got a stack of them (which are now gone!). I love my boot toppers and show them off every time I wear them. Thanks!

  19. Looks like a great book, and I have just updated my blog with this competition.

    So Long from Norway

  20. I am pretty sure that as a soon-to-be-released Storey author it was very, very bad of me to throw my hat in the ring - but it's FREE YARN!! Who can resist that???

  21. Hi Kristin,
    I read Golden Fleece and enjoyed enormously. Also found The Shorn Lamb, a novel - just started today. I work at Texas A&M Univ Libraries, lucky me. Thanks for the tip!

  22. Just found your blog tonight via Knitty site.Then I get here and find your great yarn give away.How nice!I of course entered.I have a few of your books already and have enjoyed.I now must get your newest book.

  23. Hello I love your article is very good ... should put more information on your topic
    It's a Virtual Book Launch Party and Yarn Giveaway!

  24. This looks absolutely perfect. All these tinny details are made with lot of background knowledge. I like it a lot. This was a useful post and I think it is rather easy to see from the other comments as well that this post is well written and useful.

    This looks absolutely perfect. All these tinny details are made with lot of background knowledge. I like it a lot. This was a useful post and I think it is rather easy to see from the other comments as well that this post is well written and useful.


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,