
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

And the Winners Are....

I have heard back from all the lucky winners in the Julia Yarn Giveaway. The 20 assorted skeins of Julia are going to Karen in Virginia, Margo in Massachusetts, Nancy in North Carolina, Robin in Massachusetts, and Jennifer in Maine. Aren't they lucky knitters?

I can't tell you all how much fun this Yarn Giveaway has been for our family. I thought I might get 100 people to enter but the numbers kept climbing and climbing and climbing. Every morning, I would report back to Julia and The Farmer how many entries came in. Don't feel bad if you didn't win, it was pretty impossible to be one of the lucky winners.

I thank all of you who wrote me such lovely letters with your entries. It seems like lots of knitters are wishing for my new book for Christmas gifts - I hope all your holiday wishes come true! It warms my heart to think about all of you browsing through my book on Christmas morning. How fun. Get you double pointed and circular needles ready everyone!

If you posted about the Yarn Giveaway on your blog, thanks so much. I could tell from my stats where the readers and entries were coming from and so had the chance to check out many new blogs. I'm sorry I didn't comment on too many of them - this dreadfully slow internet connection makes it pretty impossible to leave a comment, especially on Blogger blogs.

And what about those Norwegian blogs? Wow - you knitters in Norway are fabulous - I must have gotten at least a hundred entries from there alone. Maybe I can try to get Westminster to export the Julia to Norway - there's a thought. Then I could go and teach although I can't imagine what I could teach them - their blogs are filled with beautiful, extremely technically proficient knits. You all seem so interested in color and pattern which is what I'm all about.

I want to thank the generous people at Westminster for supplying the yarn for the Giveaway. Without them, this would never have happened.

We'll have to see if I can do another one of these again someday.


  1. Woo-hoo! Congratulations knitters! I'm still pestering my LYSO about carrying the yarn. I have much more faith in my ability to wear her down that I do in her ability to resist. :-)

  2. Congratulations to all the winners and happy Kristin Knits-ing. Thank you Kristin for your interest in "your" knitters and for thinking of the giveaway. I don't think you have any idea how many people visit your blog on a regular basis and how much we enjoy reading about your life and your ideas. Some of us just read, smile, ponder and don't comment as we should.Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to you, Julia and the Farmer.

  3. This might be an idea to pitch. I love working with colors, lots of colors. Is there a way for Westminister to offer sweater kits of your designs, or sample kits say 12 colors of Julia yarn for shops to sell--. Is there an independent yarn store that we could order skeins of color from? I'm thinking hard on how to promote the yarn.


  4. Congratulations to the lucky winners! I know some beautiful knitting is going to take place with them. Maybe they could send you photos of their FOs and we can see how they have used the Julia yarns.

  5. congratulations to the winners. for 2 weeks i had the fun of imagining all the yarn arriving here in denmark. hoho. i am afraid the the variety here in denmark in yarn is not very big. i keep dreaming on having my own yarn shop. i have no idea if it is because yarn shop owners are stuck in the 80es or because it is much too expensive to import yarn from the us and promote it, and translate patterns. i notice that many knitters are extremely insecure when going to the yarn shop. would be intersting to know. i am not all that daring on buying yarn on the internet without knowing the quality and having some colourcards. there is a huge tax even on the shipping expenses unless you have the shop send it to you tagged as a gift which some will and some will not. i am thinking a lot about your blog and your yarn. it looks so great the yarn and i will order your book very soon.

  6. Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I received your book last week (I am in France) and I love it. Great work with color. Personnally if you were to write a thicker / more detailed color theory as applied to knitting book I would be all over it :)!

    Fannie (

  7. Hi Kristin, This is Jennifer from Maine writing to say I received the yarn today and LOVE IT! Thanks so much for offering a contest like this. I can't wait to start a new project. Happy snow!

  8. A late night's UPS delivery yielded 20 gorgeous skeins of your yummy yarn give-away goodness. The colors nearly exploded from their box! Kristen, this is some truly gorgeous yarn and the colors are pure inspiration. I keep picking them up by threes and fours and marveling at the possibilities. I poured over Kristin Knits while at work today, plotting my course of action. I know what I'm doing on xmas day...


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,