
Thursday, December 06, 2007

Cold and Frosty mixed with a little Shameless Self-Promotion

The holidays are getting closer and I can feel the tension beginning to build. I haven’t bought a gift yet and hopefully will get to some decorating this weekend. I don't like to do things too early - I prefer waiting for the real hustle and bustle.

Outside, we have a few inches of snow which is a pleasant surprise. The weather feels like January and keeping the house warm is a full time job. We have a combination oil and wood burning furnace and The Farmer is trying not to burn any oil. It’s a big job keeping the furnace stoked though and every morning the house is frightfully chilly. I’m starting to feel like a pioneer woman although I think I may have just dropped dead if I had to do what they did way back when. It still amazes me that this house has been here since the mid-1700’s. If only the walls could talk.

The big yarn giveaway is coming up – if you haven’t entered, don’t forget. We’ll be drawing the winners on Monday.

Thanks to Siri over at Knitting Iris for the lovely compliments on my Julia Yarn. Over at the new winter issue of Knitty, there's a nice book review about Kristin Knits. Thanks Jillian and Amy. Ardeana Hamlin writes a wonderful craft column for the Bangor Daily News and she put Kristin Knits on her list of Warm and Fuzzy Holiday Gifts. Thanks Ardeana. I really appreciate all the support I am getting from all of you on the web. Thank you to all of you including those who wrote about the Yarn Giveaway on their own personal blogs.

Now for the shameless self-promotion –
If your husband, daughter, boy or girl friends are looking for gift ideas for you this Christmas, I am still taking holiday orders for my books and postcards. I’ll be happy to autograph any of my books to you or whoever might like to have a signed copy. There are Pay Pal buttons on my website now so hop on over to the books page or drop some subtle hints to your loved ones. I love going to the post office – Tony, Alice, Jim and I are becoming very good friends!

Another gift idea for knitting and fiber friends is my postcards. The images are below. You’ll also find them here on the Artwork page of my website. Although a pack of assorted cards isn’t an option on the website, I’ll be happy to send 2 of each design (there are 5 designs total) for $7.50. Just add a note in your pay pal invoice. And make sure there is a note to whom the book should be signed to also!

Back to the regular chit chat tomorrow, I promise.

Yarn in Egg Cups

Yarn Eggs

Yarn Balls

Sunflowers in Cloisonne

Sheep in Autumn

1 comment:

  1. My mom lives in Michigan--they have a wood-burning heat system, too! The wood heats water, which runs through pipes into the house, and somehow heats the house. I don't understand exactly how it works--my dad put it in after my husband and I moved to Texas. My mom, who is 84, helps my brother chop and stack the wood for the furnace!

    Sue (a.k.a. genknit)


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Have a great day,