
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Shall I knit you.....

..... A Hat?

This is the title of a lovely children's book written and illustrated by sisters Katie and Sarah Klise. If you are looking for a book about knitting to share with a young child this holiday season, you will love this one. By now, the gift will be late, I'm sure, unless you can find it in a local bookstore.

The story is about a little rabbit and his mother. He convinces his mom to knit all his friends a hat for a Christmas gift - something that is going on like wildfire this December on many knitter's needles. The resulting hats are fanciful and totally unique as are all the rabbit's friends. A nice gift for children or the knitter who still enjoys children's books.


  1. How colorful and interesting those pictures are! I still remember just looking at picture books when I was very small. I can still see some of the pictures in my mind's eye.

  2. What a wonderful book!

    Thanks so much for the tip, I try to accumulate interesting books to have on hand to read to my grandchildren - especially ones that include a bit of knitting with a great story (like Jan Brett's books).

  3. Thanks for sharing the book with us. I'm always looking out for delightful children's books. Does Julia also recommend this book?

  4. I love this book. I purchased it three Christmas' for myself and one for the school I worked at.

    This is also the book I read to several first grade classes last December, just before winter break.

    Can you tell I LOVE it?

    Good to see others are finding out about it too.

  5. We've checked out and enjoyed this one from our local library a couple of times, although not around the holidays. I'd forgotten that this is actually a Christmas story.

  6. Thanks for the recommendation, I am knitting my 17 year old a hat and this book will be the perfect child compliment to the gift. Yes the love of great children books and illustrations knows no age bounds -- I love children's books, guess it's because we didn't have the huge selection the abounds today.
    Warm Holidays Wishes to you.

  7. I too love this book. I have a group of children that I buy a gift for each holiday, and I usually get a book. This is the 2007 gift book - I bought many copies! I think the illustrations are beautiful, and I hope it encourages kids to think about getting creative with gift ideas.

  8. Those are fabulous illustrations! I'm busy knitting a grey scarf for my son and might have to pull an all-nighter to finish it.

  9. Thank you for that suggestion. I love Children's books and have a large basket sitting in the living room now with all my children's Christmas books. Just might have to have that one, along with Jan Brett's Christmas Treasury!!

  10. I love this book - it reminds me of my youngest daughter & I making Christmas gifts for family & friends. She would always give me ideas & color suggestions. I read this book to my charity knitting group (I am a librarian!) & also shared it at a knitting guild meeting. It gets sweeter each time I read it!Merry Christmas!

  11. I loved your info on this book and want you to buy it for Mom.


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