
Friday, February 15, 2008

Kristin in Minnesota at the Textile Center

"Come one, come all" as the saying goes. On February 15, 2008, I'll be doing a talk titled The Joy of Color at The Textile Center of Minnesota. I'm really happy that the folks at the Textile Center of Minnesota are hosting the evening. Information on the location and time is on the sidebar of this blog.

To spread the word, can you do me a favor? On my website, there is a PDF file of the poster shown at left. If you can, print it out and post it at your local grocery store, church, community center, or where ever you think knitters, quilters, and stitchers may see it. The more people who come, the more fun it will be for all of us. There will be door prizes and I'll be doing a booksigning. I'll have knitted samples from the book too. I can't wait to meet all of you!

Download the poster by clicking here.

If you can't come to this event, I'll also be at Knit and Crochet Out at the Mall of America on February 16 and 17th. Click here for information about this event.

Note to regular blog readers: This post is dated so that it will appear at the top of my blog until the day of the event. For new posts, see below.


  1. Kristin,
    Are you coming down south any time soon? Like to North Carolina?

  2. Hi Kristin, thanks for the info you sent me on the teapot - appreciate it, and found it. :)

    Good luck on the book tour!

    I remembered reading a post on your blog about the sheep "getting their water from snow," when I happened across this article in the current "Backyard Poultry". As a fellow sheep owner, I thought I'd share...

    "I was dismayed reading the article of 'A Good Use For Snow'... The writer is either a novice or ill-informed about the requirements of fresh water for all living creatures. Snow is not a substitute for water! Six inches of snow equals one inch of water. It would be extremely difficult for an animal to eat enough snow to stay hydrated."

    The editor of the magazine replies that the article was intended as humor and that they did not expect people to actually replace livestock waterers with snow.

    I have also heard firsthand from a wildlife rehabber/llama rescue expert that it is impossible for animals to meet their water needs this way, and that she has seen severe dehydration in many of her rescues due to this "old wives' tale". She says they burn more calories and require more feed this way.

    I thought this important enough to pass on, in case other livestock farmers may be influenced by your writings. Thanks!

    Also, we don't grain our sheep at all, and they do very, very well on the good hay we give them. Perhaps with the heated water buckets, they metabolize the feed easier and better?

  3. I can't wait! I will post the information on my blog later this week. This makes my whole trip.

  4. My goodness, I just realised that you are the same gal I read about in the Winter issue of Interweave Knits. You are an amazing designer and I enjoyed the article very much. Your pictures here are wonderful and have inspired me to be more colorful in my knitting. I always try to be more "sophisticated" and it isn't as much fun! Color here I come! Good luck with your book tour and I will be purchasing copies for my library. We have a knitting group and a big following for knitting books. (Could it be because I order them and love to knit--??) have a great tour.

  5. Hi Kristin -

    I SO enjoyed meeting you yesterday at the Mall (I'm the one who proudly proclaimed I'm your groupie now!) and I am off this afternoon to buy some of your yarn and start my first project from your book. All those other things I have going are just going to have to wait as I explore the fun of COLOR!

  6. I enjoy your blog because I find so many creative ideas. In the past (I can't remember when) I think I remember you showing hand embroidered denim jackets. Am I right? Or do you know where I can find some designs? Carole

  7. Oh, how close you are...but still so far away. I have loved your stuff for sometime now and it would be so much fun to meet you. Maybe your next trip to MN won't be while Iowa is having a freezing rain/blizzard storm!

  8. Hi Kristin,

    I was with Karen above at MOA for your session on Saturday - love your book, can't wait to get started on something colorful and now I'm digging through my finished projects for ways to do some Kristin Embellishments! Oh, and my border collie Lady says "hi" to Phoebe and Ness!

    Hope to see you again soon in Minnesota! Karen and I will have to take a roadtrip soon for some more ideas from the color master!

  9. how sad that i should miss such wonderful events with you right here in my "backyard"!! at least i got to see you do some knitting embellishing on the CREATE network...that was fun :)


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,