
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Me at Craft Sanity

I had the pleasure of speaking with Jennifer Ackerman-Haywood - the Creator of the Podcast Craft Sanity a couple of Saturdays ago. What a lovely woman - smart, out-going, and doing a really good thing for all things crafty.

Jennifer just posted our interview on her site. It's podcast #70 for her. Click on over and listen to our conversation. There's even a free pdf download of my potholder pattern from my book Colorful Stitchery. Enjoy.

Click here for Craft Sanity Podcast #70.


  1. I've been lurking for awhile, enjoying your blog and gorgeous photos, but I have to "come out" to tell you how delightful it was to hear you today!

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. I listened to the podcast this morning, which is how I found your blog. I love what you do. You have really inspired me, and I hope to get ahold of your books and start experimenting more with some of your ideas.

  3. LOVED your interview...can't wait to see the book!

  4. I bought your book and really enjoyed it; I also really liked the interview on CraftSanity (which I also really enjoy listening to). Your background is really interesting and I admire the way you have made a life out of crafting and the way you inspire others. Thanks for doing the interview!

  5. Great interview. It covered so much ground and it was so interesting to hear about how the yarn design process worked both past and present.


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Have a great day,