
Friday, March 07, 2008

Beauty in small things

Finding beauty in things that others would throw away is something I try to do when I think of it. This little pile of Julia Yarn bits has been sitting on my desk in my studio all winter long giving me a color hit when the days outside have been snowy, cloudy, and gray. I haven't been able to throw it away. One day I'll use it for stuffing a toy or something.

It's amazing what my camera picks up. The yarns fade in and out and create their own little impressionistic masterpiece.

Each one a little different.

One prettier than the next.

Hope you have a color filled weekend somehow. We're in for a bit of rain, sleet and snow.


  1. Thank you for sharing the color! It's wonderful...

  2. I love the color collage...we are waiting for 3 inches of rain. Good reason to stay home and knit!

  3. Oh my, those colours are really beautiful! When my children were small,in the spring,we used to put colourful bits of string out in our back yard for the birds to help build their nests. It was fun to see bits of colour hanging in the trees, and to see how far and wide they ended up.

  4. I have an idea for another use for your yarn bits. I don't know where I saw this and I certainly won't claim it as an original idea, but I am saving my scraps to put into clear glass Christmas ornaments as gifts for my knitting friends. Kim

  5. Wow, those colors are beautiful! Especially on such a dreary day (well at least here in Philadelphia!) ...

  6. Yes, beauty is in the small things. I have been knitting and felting and found myself saving the bits of wool and yarns and stacking them to look at in the snow gray Midwest. Stuff them in toys, they are much too colorful for that send them to me and I will add them to my felted project or top of a quilt:) Your camera work is really amazing - simple beauty.

  7. These gorgeous "thrums" can also be put outside at some point-- the birds will pick them and add them to their nests!

  8. These are great fiber and color photos! They would make wonderful postcards....

  9. Just when I have finally mustered up the courage to start throwing away yarn scraps you come along and make me feel like I can't throw anything crafty away. Arrrrgh. Smile

  10. I have a nice little mound of yarn snippings that I intend to further snip and incorporate into my spinning for a tweed yarn. Your photos, as always, are wonderful. Thanks for your blog.

  11. why not wrap the yarn bits in a piece of netting or tulle, and hang it like a tree ornament? I would hang it in a 'mistletoe' sort of spot and insist on being kissed there.

  12. Wow, that looks like a great pile of yarn for all the spring birds making their nests. My kids and I are collecting all kinds of soft things (hair, threads, yarn, etc...) for all those honeymooning birds, that we hope will return to frozen Canada!


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,