
Friday, April 04, 2008

Ask Me A Question Please – Deadline April 4, 2008

My friends over at Nashua Handknits / Westminster Fibers are going to publish a full-fledged magazine this coming fall. It will be full of beautiful sweater designs and some special features. That’s what all the brouhaha was about the photo shoot last week at our farm and house. They are going to feature a few pages with my designs and an article about me. Rather fun and exciting. And our sheep were great props for their sweaters.

So here’s the catch. Nashua would like my blog readers to help them with the article. They are asking you to send them questions for me to answer which you would find interesting. The questions can be about anything – my knitting, our farm, my art, our sheep…. Whatever you can think of that would be appropriate for publication and that you would find fun. They won’t have room for all the questions so don’t be disappointed if your isn’t chosen. (But I must say, they would give me ideas for things to post about on the blog!) The readers who submit the questions that are chosen will receive a thank-you gift. So think hard and send your “Kristin Questions” to:

Or directly to me at my email on my sidebar at left and I will forward to Susan. And thanks in advance for your help.


  1. How exciting for all of us who enjoy and depend on your blog for our daily fix of farm and yarn life!


  2. Kirstin, is this you, a self-portrait? I like this picture, very much. I think it's great! If I only knew a good question! :-) Brigitte

  3. I'll put my question here, so I can remain somewhat anonymous.

    "How would you define wealth?"

    Probably that's a little too open ended, but it popped into my head. I'd explain more, buy I don't want to 'lead' your answer, if you do answer. I'll be eagerly waiting their magazine. I love Nashua patters.

  4. Sent like 10+ questions, hope they get the juices flowing!


  5. OKay Kristin,

    I have wanted to comment on your blog for a while but haven't. Anyway, today is the day!

    First, I am in LOVE with your books. Your sense of color is incredible! Seriously, eye candy!

    Please keep up the good work!


  6. I'll enjoy reading the questions and answers.

  7. I've always wanted to raise sheep and spin my own yarn. So my question to you is: how difficult is it? Any special needs for sheep? Is carding, spinning, etc. terribly time consuming? Is it worth it? Are your sheep named?
    Thanks. Nerm

  8. Very exciting! I am curious if your mom/gram were also crafters. Have you noticed a craft change over the years? (once hooked on xstitch then quilting, now ...for exp) What is the most memorable craft project you have completed with your children?


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,