
Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Sheep in Massachusetts, Wales, and Spain

Our sheep are looking like they are living in Ireland. The grass is so green and lush and almost electric looking at different times of the day as the light shifts, shines, and fades.

I just finished a fabulous book by Horatio Clare called Running for the Hills. It is about a young boy and his brother growing up on his mother's sheep farm in Wales. The writing is so beautifully phrased and the story is brilliantly told. If you have a fascination for farming and escaping the rat race, I highly suggest it. Even if you don't, you will still love it. I didn't want the book to end. Interesting review here.

These sheep are so quietly grazing somewhere in a lobby of a building. How funny they are constructed of phone cords and rotary dial telephones. There's a whole flock of them here. I think they may be in Spain but perhaps someone can tell me. Via Make:blog.


  1. I dug around a little and found out that the telephone sheep are in the Museum für Kommunikation in Frankfurt, Germany. I can't imagine the amount of time it must take to make one of them!

  2. I just finished Running for the Hills two weeks ago and really enjoyed it as well! Thanks again for all your beautiful posts and pictures!

  3. Frankfurt Germany? How surprising, since you found the photos on a spanish web site....I was going to point out that the site is a and might that be Argentina. But Germany eh? Cool! Thanks for sharing the fun photo!!!

  4. Fun phone sheep. It is nice that those old phones have new life. Would be fun to know who thought them up and how? I will now look at all the phones in the house a new way.

    Love the pics of your sheep the past few days. They look very content now in their field.

  5. What a funny flock of sheep!

  6. That is insanely clever! I love art like that, out in the open.

  7. Used the 'Look Inside' feature at amazon and read through the first few pages of Running for the Hills. I'm now eagerly awaiting an interlibrary loan copy. Thank you for sharing the title. I think it will be a real page turner!

  8. That is way cool. The ability to see what something can become is key to artists and knitters.

  9. I live in Northwestern New Jersey and the sunlight has been captivating this past spring. Different times of the day bring different views in the same direction. I had never really taken note of the shifting of light until I read an article by I Do Not Remember, about the color of bricks in the evening sunlight in Boston.

  10. I wonder if those Phoney Sheep have BAA-d connections? Seriously, I love them. I will have to research the artist so I can incluce them in my modern art unit with my high school visual arts student. Thanks so much for sharing.

  11. These sheep are so cool. Not sure what sort of jumper their wool would make, though!


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