
Friday, May 23, 2008

When the Lilacs Bloom....

Forever when the lilacs bloom, I will remember you, Pat.
My world will never be the same without you.

With Love,


  1. What a gorgeous tribute to an abviously amazing woman. I went to the link you provided and was awed by the words written for Pat. What a life, huh? We should all be so blessed to be a part of such exciting stuff. I love the "cutting the hole in the wall" story. It seems like Pat had such grand experiences.

    When I read tributes like this, it convinces, more than ever, that life is meant to be lived to the fullest. We need to shed the dissapointments of the past and live each day with joy, remembering to give back because it's in giving back that we are truly blessed.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Gosh, I can't spell today! There needs to be an edit button here! DANG! Where's my coffee? :)

  3. What a moving tribute to an amazing woman.

  4. How wonderful to have known such a generous and gifted woman. Just reading her memorial inspired me today, to do more for others.

  5. What an incredible life. Thanks for posting this, Kristin. She would have loved your lilacs.

  6. Pat Chew: a woman full of inimitable spirit, humor, individuality and strength. It was my pleasure to work with her over many, many years. And I raised more than a few glasses in friendship, slurped oysters, and shared several great meals.

    One of a kind, and the world is bereft with the loss.

    A toast to you, Pat. Thank you.


  7. This is a beautiful gift of rememberance Kristin.

    My sincere condolences.

  8. Hi Kristin,

    Thanks for posting the memorial. I wouldn't have known. I'm so sorry. She was such an amazing person. She was supportive in both my business and my art. As I write I can hear her laughter.


  9. What an amazing life. What a gift to have known her.

  10. Wow. What a life she made! Inspiring. I had no idea such story was behind skeins this popular yarn! And your photo of the lilacs is lovely.

  11. Kristin, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. She sounds like an amazing, talented woman. Leukemia is a brutal disease and has taken many before their time. I am sorry and thanks for sharing her story with us.


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,