
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Garden Shed - Part One

This is our little garden shed. It is 12 x 16 feet and has a narrow four foot porch and a metal roof. We had it built when we first moved here to house the garden stuff that accumulates. I picked up the front windows from my sister Laurie's and brother-in-law Bruce's old 1920's house when they were re-habbing it. It was nice to give them new life and they have an interesting pane arrangement. We don’t have an official barn on our property to put stuff in. The main barn to our farmhouse burned down in the 1960’s. It is sad because a house such as ours, as old as ours is, should have an outbuilding or two – including a very large post and beam structure. But it isn’t here anymore and we love our place anyway.

When we built this little shed, we thought we were doing the right thing. Now, it has turned out too small for much of our stuff. We’ve got to live with it until we hit the big-time -- which means this is probably it.

Our little garden shed is in direct view of the mountain landscape we enjoy every day. This summer, I’m hoping to gussy it up a bit. I’m letting you in on the before picture now. I thought I would be able to present the before and after in a complete post but that was a pipe-dream. Might as well show you the stages as they happen. Probably more fun that way too.

I’m mostly planning cosmetic stuff on the exterior. Maybe someday I will tackle the interior but definitely not this year. (I have long-off dreams of it being my pottery shed for throwing pots.) The exterior is stained a grayish green which has been an excellent choice because it doesn’t peel. The mildew that happens doesn’t show up as bad, it just adds some depth to the sage-green boards.

During the harvest season, I like to sit on the wicker chairs and pick beans and basil. But mostly, I like to look at the chairs and imagine what a conversation would look like if we ever slowed down to enjoy the scene around here.


  1. It looks like the perfect little retreat for thinking, or writing, or drawing! I just saw a documentary about the writer David McCullough, of 1776 fame, and he has a shed just like that in his garden. He withdraws to it for writing and researching, and it looks absolutely perfect inside, with bookshelves, his desk and manual typewriter. Tiny. He says that while he's in his shed, the only visitors permitted to disturb him are children!

  2. I love this shed.
    Can't wait to see what you do with it.
    oh my how cute this will be. I can see myself sitting there hand quilting away or knitting and just enjoying the scenery...
    please post pictures of the progress...

  3. Hello Kristin, I just want to tell you that I am new to your blog and am thoroughly enjoying reading it: farm, animal antics, and especially knitting.

    Lindy in very hot, humid (monsoon season) AZ.

  4. Hmmm!! Sounds like my house. Nice porch, can we sit down and enjoy. I think if you are farming in any way or shape there is always something to be done. When I get the chance though I do sit and enjoy, just doesn't seem like very often. Can't wait to see what you do wuth your shed.

  5. Oh my, what a place to rock and dream away the hot afternoons. But not on a busy farm, nice to wish it for you though!

  6. very cute. I love the green door. Sit down and take a little rest in a chair sometime.... with the Farmer.

  7. I love your shed and I can't wait to see what happens with it.

    I am thinking about you today, I got the bags in the mail and I received the Julia yarn to start working on yesterday. The bags are beautiful. I will post on them soon.

    I'll keep you posted:)


  8. Hello Kristin,

    I only recently found your blog and enjoy it very much. Someday I, too, will have sheep and perhaps a few goats.

    I love your shed! What a perfect place to sit, think, knit or merely contemplate the breeze.


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,