
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Country Home - Sept. 2008 Issue - See Our Sunflowers

Oh my goodness - it's finally arrived. The September issue of Country Home that is. Weren't you all just waiting for it? The "Cuttings" Column on Pages 55 and 56 feature our sunflowers and a bit of a story along with just a few of the many pictures from the shoot which happened last September. That's me with Phoebe arranging last year's bounty outside our garden shed. The photo shoot took place in mid-September - you can see the leaves changing on the hill behind me.

John Gruen along with Katherine Whiteside who is a talented and prolific garden writer and author of several books on gardening and I spent two very long days together working on the photos for this spread last September. John's a terrific photographer - I've worked with him on many projects including my book Kids' Embroidery. Unfortunately, only a few of the photos got used. But we had a very good time together. Ahhhhh, that's the chance you take when you sign on for a project with a major mag.

Here's a few of the other photos John took - I found them on his website. Here's Phoebe, one of our Border Collies looking smart in front of the shed door Katherine decorated with sunflowers. The embroidered pillows on the couch are from my book Colorful Stitchery.

Here are three different kinds of sunflowers in some antique blue glass oil lamp bases that I found at the Brimfield Flea Market. The produce and ribbons are from our garden and from the Franklin County Fair which is happening in a couple weeks.

You can read the on-line version of the article here on the Country Home website.


  1. I do not have a subscription to the magazine and in this little between two tiny towns, I probably won't be able to find it, but I do have to say that I love looking at all you do.
    Please know, Kristin, that your photos, projects and COLOR bring such beauty into my life. I am continually amazed at what you do, the beauty you weave, your knitting and design, expand my awareness. It is not only your books and creativity, but the color that abounds simply and truly feeds my soul. Thank you so very much. What would we do without such an abundance of color? Oh, my.

  2. Congratulations on the magazine. I will have to look out for it the next time I am in the stores.

  3. Wow, Kristin, so cool! I find it fun to say, "my friend" Kristin is in Country Home! I have so many blogville friends it's not funny. I can't wait to run out and get my copy and get glazed over eyes just soaking in all the magnificent color!

  4. Kristin,
    I am new to your blog and books, but I am gaining so much inspiration from your work! What beautiful photos!

  5. I have 25 minutes left at work, than I am bolting to the nearest store to pick up a copy of the magazine. The photos are fantastic! Love the door with the sunflower heads on them. First those fabulous mittens in Vogue Knits and now Country Home! Way to go Krisitn. Congratulations.
    Best always

  6. Got my copy of the magazine yesterday and saved it til last evening to sit and enjoy. It was a very pleasant surprise to see you and your sunflowers. It felt as though I was seeing an old friend in a new place! Lovely article and pictures.

  7. Congratulations! I love those flowers and can't wait to plant some next summer.

  8. My copy of the magazine hasn't arrived just yet, but now I'm really looking forward to it. It usually arrives on a Saturday, so perhaps tomorrow. What a treat! The photographs of are all lovely, and made me wish I lived nearby, or I could drop by and buy a big bouquet from your wagon.

    Congrats to you Kristin, and to Julia who helps, as well.

  9. Wish I could grow flowers like that! Awesome!

  10. Two things: I get this magazine so Yeah! I get to see all the pretty pictures. And secondly, thank you so much for not putting all the pictures on your blog so I can anticipate receiving my copy!

  11. Those sunflowers are just BEAU-tiful!


  12. Kristin,

    The article is just great! It appears they went for the educational approach...types of sunflowers. I know the readers would love to see the pictures in your home!! Anyway, congratulations on getting in the magazine. I buy it often!!


  13. You're the luckiest woman i be surrounded by those beautiful flowers.

  14. The photos look lovely, I am going to have to get the magazine. Seeing your border collie makes me miss ours and want another one? How is yours around your chickens?

  15. Love your sunflowers! To me sunflowers are the happiest flowers and so I usually plant some every year. These are also my daughter's favorite flowers - and the first thing she planted in her first home!

  16. I'm a little late here, but I just had to immediately go dig my copy out of the stack of unread magazines & catalogs from the last month while we were away! I know I saw the article as I quickly flipped through last week, not realizing that it was you!
    What fun!
    By the way, Country Home is the only magazine I still subscribe to now, after having just given up my MSLiving one after many, many years.
    That picture of your dog by the door makes my heart sing!
    Oh, how I wish sunflowers grew like they did at your place. It just doesn't get hot enough at our house most years. Maybe I need to build a stone wall to capture the heat and to grow them up against! Is that too extravagant?


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,