
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fall Colors on our Hill

Autumn colors are quickly changing. The brilliant reds are giving way to deeper oranges, russet, caramel and browns. Our hill is still beautiful. With all the color outside, it is hard to concentrate on what's got to be done on current projects. Here are some colorful scenes from our hill to yours....

Looking up yields amazing colorplay.

Earlier this week, I caught this ewe resting just as the sun was working its magic.

These bales of hay are waiting beside the field ready to be moved to our greenhouse barn for the sheep to eat this winter. Although pickled hay doesn't sound too appetizing to me, our sheep love it all winter long.

Our neighbors beautiful orange truck is loaded with hay bales and resting in his shed. I couldn't help but take this photo with the orange trees on the hillside behind.

I like to take Julia up to the sheep in the evening as the sun is setting. The Farmer and the dogs are moving the fences for the sheep's evening grazing and we're there for moral support.

Here's Nessie relaxing while the eat munch away. Fifteen minutes later, they all escaped. The dogs had their work cut out for them because it was dark by then and they had to herd all the critters back in so they would be safe from the coyotes. They did it. Border Collies are simply amazing creatures.

Sometimes you find autumn color in the most amazing places. I found this caterpillar on the road and took some close-ups of him. It wasn't until I got the photos on my computer that I realized he was the most amazing autumn shades of yellow, orange and purple. A sweater design in the making.

If you like insect photos, be sure to check out a new blog (to me) my friend Deborah shared with me called BugDreams. Rick takes incredible photos of little things most of us would never notice.


  1. Wonderful photos! The caterpillar is a brown-hooded owlet that will turn into a duller, but still beautiful moth. My husband found one of these this summer while working at a nature preserve...I have yet to see one.

    I also wanted to thank you for your stamping inspiration. I made some stampers the other day and used them on some a shelf and table my husband made.

  2. As always, gorgeous pictures, Kristin, every one of them!
    As a firm believer in the color orange and having been known to repeat this phrase lately to just about anybody will listen: "Old trucks ALWAYS look their best in the fall." it of course follows that I love the truck pic.
    And, that pic with your pup and her flock is just too precious, and the colors extraordinary!
    You live in and amazing place, but you already knew that! :)

  3. beautiful gorgeous colors and pictures!


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