
Monday, October 06, 2008

Sheep at Sunrise

What a beautiful weekend! The leaves are just beginning to turn. I know that we only have a few short weeks of being outside without layers of sweaters and gloves and hats on. The changing weather makes me frantic to be outdoors. The tomatoes are still turning red, my kale and swisschard continues to grow, and the zinnias and sunflowers are still blooming. The days are getting shorter and the light is getting prettier.

Our sheep have been grazing our neighbor’s hill for most of the summer and now fall. I woke up early Sunday morning and quickly grabbed my camera to see what it looked like up in sheep country early in the morning. It’s a mighty big hike up the hill but it was worth it.

When I left out house, the sun was already up. Just up the road, it doesn't rise for twenty more minutes. Here it comes.....

For the past couple days, The Farmer has had the sheep grazing this overgrown section of the hill covered with rose bushes. No wonder they escape everyday!

From this photo, you can see the valley below extending down towards Springfield, Massachusetts. In the lower field, you can see rows made from the mowing of the field last spring. The sheep will be moving down to this lower pasture within the week.

This ewe seems to have such wisdom.

Enjoy your week¡


  1. These pictures are so peaceful and lovely!
    The sun is not up here yet, but I had the incredible joy of listening to an owl this morning when I went out with the dogs.

  2. Oh, thank you for the sheep photos! I love seeing the hills, which remind me of where I grew up in Ohio. So peaceful...

  3. Thank you for the beautiful, beautiful pictures!

  4. What a great way to spend a morning. I live in Ireland in the country where there are lots of sheep but it is really special to see sheep in another place. I have been checking your blog for some time but have only just started leaving comments for people in the last few days. Your photos are great.

  5. These pictures made my day. I love the colors and composition, especially the sun bursting over the woods. You really capture moods with your pics. Thanks so much for sharing.


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Have a great day,