
Friday, December 12, 2008

And the Sock Yarn Winner is.....

We've had a huge ice storm here for the past two days. There are many families without power and many roads are blocked with fallen trees. The Farmer was able to get to the sheep to feed them this morning but it was rather round about. It looks like a Winter Wonderland. All the kids have had two days off of school which is making for a nice four day weekend for them!

The sun just came out and the ice looks so beautiful sparkling in the sun. Luckily, no trees lost limbs near our house. We're going to sit tight here until things get back to normal.

Julia picked the lucky winner for my Giveaway. Congratulations to Belle! Please get back to me with your shipping address and I'll send the sock yarn and cards out when I can get down the hill to the post office.

Thanks so much to all of you who entered. Boy you sock knitters are amazing! You out numbered the baby knitting folks from the contest last week by gobs. Check back in next Tuesday for a new Holiday Giveaway! I'm wondering what that will be too?


  1. I love Knitting for Baby- I think it will be the next knitting book I buy. It's a classic.

    And I think yellow will be a great addition to your yarn colors.

  2. Congratulations to Belle!

    The ice--oh my! I hope you all stay warm!

  3. Yay Belle! i'm happy to hear you and the Farmer and Julia are safe with all the ice.. the photo of icy berries is quite beautiful. keep warm & healthy.

  4. Hello, and a wonderful afternoon
    to all! I hope that your weather
    improves and all is safe and warm!
    Congrats to Belle!
    3 year old asked did the sheep
    keep warm! He asked if they get
    Ice on them too like the trees...
    I got to get him out to the county!
    Take care and keep warm,
    Rane and kiddies.

  5. Chores in the snow and ice are terrible! The hardest for me was getting up and milking the cow last January and February, some mornings I thought I was making ice cream. I love when there is ice on the backs of the sheep, it is so pretty (maybe that it is a weird thing to think...). We didn't get as much snow and ice as we were anticipating; somewhat relieved and somewhat disappointed. I have enjoyed stopping by your blog this week.

  6. Thank you, Kristin!
    Your photos of the snow are pretty. I look forward to winter.

  7. I agree that Julia should dress as she sees fit as her choices are completely appropriate. Some suggested that she should have a pair of jeans in case she decides she wants them.

    If you do decide that Julia should have a pair of jeans at her disposal, may I suggest getting your eastern MA relatives to pick up a pair at the Rugged Bear.

    Elastic waist, no zippers, snaps, not tight fitting. 30% off sale.

    Both my son and daughter have these. My kids don't use the drawcord - you could pull it out as it is unnecessary in all but the skinniest of kids.

  8. congrats belle!
    ijust talked to my mom about the ice storm, she delivers mail in NH and says it has been nuts! Our storm started heading in today and after the 7th time the power went out (two years ago exactlly we were out for 5 days) we went and bought the last generator in town...literally! All set now for our ice and snow coming in! Glad your girls are enjoying the long weekend.

  9. We were without power for 22 hours (more or less) and I'm praising the woodstove. There's still no power to the east of us in Leominster and many parts of Worcester. There may not be power at work (Leominster) until some time Monday or Tuesday.

    Congrats Belle! I'm jealous :)

  10. Kristin, just to let you know , I am delurking. I love reading your blog, and admire your creative spirit. I have read your books, and love your yarn. As a mom, I agree with you that Julia should wear what she likes. We are all pretty quirky here, (self-employed, homeshoolers), and we do enjoy being out of the "mainstream". Thanks for writing-Debbie

  11. Kristin,I am an Occcupational therapist and after just cathing up on your blog I read about julia and her teachers. I have been in many an IEP meeting and have never heard of such a thing. Julia is a beautiful girl who has a distinict personality and a lovely look. If she is happy and you are as her Mother then it is not anyone else's busniess. Hold strong and teach your daughter to be who she wants to be. What a great life lesson we all should have learned at ten. So sorry about the sheep. I am a n avid reaader but I have never responded. Happy Holidays,

  12. I love your style, Kristin. Sometimes I get so busy, when I finally catch a break I read my fave blogs at a long stretch. Days of blog-land condensed into an hour of relaxation. I must say I really liked your comments a few days ago in the post entitled "The Suburbs are Coming" b/c I could really relate. There are many of us out here who do not "fit the mold" for myriad reasons. I love being myself, so if that means being a bit different, I embrace that. P.S. I thought Real Simple was a magazine for simpletons, b/c they had the goofiest articles, like the one you recalled. Really, now. Thanks!


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,