
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Another Great Pre-Holiday Giveaway!

I'm suspecting most of you that read this blog came here because you knit. I guess I could be wrong - but I'll never know, will I?

When I was a kid, my mother taught me how to embroider. My sisters and I spent hours stitching up kits she would buy for us at the local needlework store. I became so enamoured with embroidery - especially crewelwork - that it became one of my favorite hobbies.

A while back, my mother found this quilt in her attic that I made back then. Those were the days of the hey day of Holly Hobbie and the Bicentennial. Mom brought it the last time she came to visit. Wow - the memories came rushing back. All those hours watching the NY Mets ball games stitching! I had a lot of good friends who also liked to sew, embroider, and quilt and we spent so many happy hours gossiping and sewing. We certainly weren't the most popular girls in the school but that didn't matter to us. We had our own kind of fun.

It was those fond memories that prompted me to write Kids' Embroidery. It was published in 2004 by STC Craft and became part of their children's craft series (the other kids craft books are about crochet and weaving). I wanted to write a book that would pass on the craft of embroidery to children living in the 21st century. I loved writing it so much - figuring out the projects that kids would like to make. During the summer of 2002, I taught a bunch of boys and girls in my town how to stitch at the local library. We did both needlepoint and embroidery. It was wonderful to see how each child learned, what projects they liked, and how much age really had nothing to do with each kids' skills. Some kids caught on fast, others slow, and some just didn't catch on at all. Later, some of those kids posed for photos in the book.

I had such fun with Kids' Embroidery that I decided to write a second stitching book called Colorful Stitchery. I conceptualized this book as stitching book for modern do-it-yourselfers who perhaps hadn't learned how to stitch when they were kids. It features 65 creative and colorful projects for the home. I had such a blast coming up with ideas and stitching them. The photography for Colorful Stitchery was done here in my home. My hand-painted walls were a perfect backdrop for all the handstitched pillows, blankets, and kitchen goods.

This week's Giveaway is a goodie. We'll see how many of you knitters sign up to win this one!

I'm giving away a copy of both Kids' Embroidery and Colorful Stitchery to one lucky person. I'll also enclose some cotton embroidery floss and crewel wool. There will also be a selection of dish towels, felt, and fabric to stitch on, some needles, and plastic needlepoint canvas. It's enough to get you and your son or daughter, grandkids, or little friends going on learning how to stitch. What a nice thing to do over the Christmas/New Year's vacation.

I'm also including a set of my floral still life and sunflower postcards to serve as inspiration for the lucky winner's embroidery designs.

Good luck! The winner again will be drawn on Friday at noon. To enter, leave a note in the comments section. If you have a moment, let me know if you already know how to embroider or if you are a newbie eager to learn.

Let us pray for peace in the New Year!


  1. I think this book is beautiful. I would love to own it instead of pestering the library all the time.
    Francis Berryhill

  2. I'm not embroidering much these days... just a little embelishment here and there on the knitting. But with 3 of my 4 grandchildren little girls, I see much more sewing and embroidery in my future!

    About 20 years ago, I was a Brownie Leader. (Actually, there wer 11 consecutive years of my life where I was a Girl Scout leader or a Cub Scout leader, or both!) The girls (4th graders) decided that they wanted to learn to embroider, so I taught them the basics and we did flowered pictures to frame for Mother's Day. There was a pretty high level of satisfaction in the group, but I was totally exhausted! I think this was a project where the girls just needed a lot more individual attention than I could give. But it is a happy memory, and I love watching my own daughter knit and sew for her two children.

    Barbara M.

  3. I think that I know those crewel kits--were they Sunset?

    Recently at a thrift store stash of old needlework magazines I found a 1976 Elsa Williams catalog, full of crewel and needlepoint kits. I had made two items shown, a framed mirror with crewel work on matte satin and a large embroidery of St Francis of Assisi surrounded by flowers, birds, squirrels, pheasants and a deer.

    I wonder if there is a revival of embroidery in the future?

  4. I still embroider on occasion and I have a child who is mad to try anything with a needle and string. Alas, she is only three, but never too early to start collecting.

  5. I have a niece that I would love to share this with.


  6. This looks great. I haven't embroidered since I was a child - my grandmother taught me. I'd love to try a trip down memory lane with this!


  7. I learned to embroider from my grandmother to embroider as well as knitting. Crochet came next and then of course cross stitch. But since I have 3 young grand-daughters I think I might have a chance to interest at least one of them in embroidery by stitching something on their clothes for them. The little girl praying is a perfect choice. We all need to pray for a better economy for next year or near future. Thank you for keeping our minds active with new ideas.

  8. My mother taught me to embroider and I made many items for my girls. I recently found two Holly Hobbie pictures that I had on the girls wall. I am turning them into pillows and giving them to my granddaughters. They still look great. I also do English smocking in addition to lots of knitting. I think if you enjoy one form of needlework, it leads you to explore others.

    I love your blog and your use of color really inspires me to think outside the box.

  9. I don't know how to embroider, because I have no one to teach me (my mom doesn't know how either). I would love to learn. It sounds like your books would be perfect for that.

  10. I love to knit, occasionally cross-stitch, and have just dipped my toes into sewing and embroidery...I would love to do more!

  11. My grandmother was an avid embroiderer and quilter. She taught me embroidery when I was a child, and I enjoyed it. But now I've taken to knitting like she took to quilting and embroidery. I must confess, though, if I was the winner, I would do a few embroidery projects myself (and perhaps teach anyone who might be interested) just for old times sake.

  12. What a great giveaway! I'm a knitter who has done only a teeny bit of embroidery, but I've been itching to learn. (Also, I have to say, your Holly Hobby-esque quilt has me missing my favorite childhood doll. She was pretty great.)

    Also, if you are ever inclined, it would be very cool if you could post about some of your favorite embroidery resources (in addition to your books). Stitch dictionaries, for example? I know to go to Barbara Walker and EZ for knitting, but am not sure where to start with embroidery.

  13. You brought back some memories for me as well. My first foray into embroidery was in Girl Scouts where my notable achievement was stitching my sampler to my skirt! But I persisted in my 20's and 30's and thoroughly enjoyed it. More recent needlecrafting has been knitting, but I have always enjoyed lovely embroidery. I especially appreciate your efforts to pass these skills on. It's wonderful for kids to know the joys of creating and the rewards of handcrafting.

    Pat Kyle

  14. Before taking up knitting, I cross-stitched a lot. My son used to ask what I was doing with that string!! Love the pictures you take, very beautiful.

  15. I can't resist your contests! Week three is just as wonderful as the first two have been!

    Thanks so much for sharing - did the same Holly Hobby embroidery as a child as well - what a memory rush.

  16. My grandmother brought us Holly Hobbie- items when she came to visit! So fun to see them again!(she was Norwegian, living in the US for most of her life, and she came to stay with us 6 weeks every other summer)
    I know how to embroider, but unfortunately don't like to do it...(also, I'm Norwegian, so I can't enter anyway...)
    I came to your blog mainly for the knitting, but now I enjoy your farming and life just as much.
    Take care.
    Oh, and I just wanted to say that your photos in that last post are stunning!!!

  17. I'm a knitter and anything-with-fabric-and- threader. I already have Colorful Stichery and love to flip through looking for inspiration, which is why I read your blog, too. I have three young kids (boys 6 and 4 and a girl who is 1) and can't wait until one of them is interested in playing with yarn and fabric. By the way, I also love your pictures of sheep. My grandparents were sheep ranchers here in Texas in their younger days, but their sheep never looked as beautiful as yours, I suspect it is your lovely setting. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  18. I'm a knitter, quilter, cross stitcher. I've done a little embroidering and enjoyed it. The way I see it is so many crafts, so little time.

  19. I came for uhmmm I don't honestly remember! I imagine from Terry Grant's blog and stayed for the farm and the animals and the art and for the perspective of an older woman who creates stuff rather than a 20 something chick. I do not knit; cannot knit drat it all! Have tried several times it's kinda a joke with my knitty friends.
    I do quilt and embroidered and I needlepoint and have for years and years and love it though not much lately. I sew too and can sew anything from just looking at something... mostly I work at my everyday job and dream of the day I will have the time to just craft.
    Merry Christmas!

  20. This is yet another gorgeous collection of items. Although I do embroider, it is always on a very small scale. I taught myself to embroider and use it primarily to give new life to older pieces of clothing. I would love to learn more techniques and get a little new, fresh inspiration.

    Also, I love the postcards! I have been checking those out since last week. Thank you again for your generosity.

    - Natalie Schuler

  21. Though I have yet to make a dent in my planned embroidered curtain project, I do love embroidery and all kinds of surface design. I'm even teaching a workshop in ribbon and floss embroidery, and beading, in January for our local guild.
    But I write just to comment not to be entered into the contest. Although I would love to have your Kid's Embroidery I do already own your Colorful Stitchery and have ready access to the floss and all. I think someone who is just learning and getting into embroidery would be a better recipient of this generous giveaway.

    I also have a very soft spot in my heart for Holly Hobby... I learned to draw by copying her distinct facial curves.

  22. The embroidery is what brought me here in the first place, and know I love reading about your life! ( I emailed you about loving your book, you sent me the link here!)

    I am so in on this one! I can't seem to learn to knit, but I certainly stitch!

    Susan B.

  23. It is largely your site that has led me into embroidery — a craft I'm not particularly skilled at yet, but which I do enjoy. My 4-year-old son has recently asked that I teach him to knit, which I am planning to do in the coming weeks. If I should happen to win this prize, I'm sure he'll enjoy learning to embroider along with me, as well.

  24. Recently I got out the pillowcases from the dime store that I embroidered when I was a kid. What was I saving them for, anyway? It's been a long time, but I loved doing those, and my daughter would enjoy learning. Thanks for offering these!

  25. I remember teaching myself to embroider when I was 10. I'd love to get into it again.

  26. have not embroidered in years but it would be fun to begin again. your gift is perfect incentive. jane

  27. What a generous gift! I am slowing learning other crafts. I have played around with a few embroidery stitches on some scrap fabric. One of these days, I'll get around to embellishing that tea cozy!

    A friend started to show me some crochet stitches. I wanted to make some of the ornaments that you had in Crochet Today. I got distracted with some X-mas knitting projects, so the ornaments are going on next year's list. My friend, however, got inspired to pick up a crochet hook and she's made several ornaments. She is a good friend, who does much for others, and not so much for herself. She really enjoyed carving a little time out to craft and I hope she continues to do so!

    I grew up in a non-crafting house. I didn't learn to knit until after college.

  28. I love your quilt...the close up of the embrodery and crewl girl and quilt on the bed is wonderful. I dreamed of being that girl...look at the yellow - bed and pillow --- my favorite color then and now -- who knew it would be the next trend for 2009. I too, did needlework, then moved to crochet then knit. I can't part with my old works not that they are great workwomenship ...the memories they hold in where, who, what when I was when I made them. I would love to win to make new memories:) Thanks for the great post and give-a-way.

  29. Random thoughts ...

    I learned a little of everything as a kid - knit, crochet, embroidery, needlepoint, cross stitch, crewel. Quilting in my 20's.

    When my grandmother was dying, I was 9. She told one of my aunts to give me her knitting bag. Considering she had 12 kids and many grandchildren, I knew it was a big deal. None of her 7 daughters knit. One did needlepoint until her arthritis made it impossible.

    My husband is not a shopper and if that's his worse trait, I can easily live a lifetime with him. So I buy my own Xmas presents. I bought myself a flower embroidery book (also some sock yarn, quilting fabric and Barbara Walker's 3rd Treasury) and plan to get out the floss in January.

    My daughter is 6. I'll get out the floss - use all 6 strands, a tapestry needle (not ouchie in case she accidentally stabs herself or me) and felt. The bright felt with the bright thick embroidery floss makes any of her "projects" look wonderful. I also have a pile of beads for her to use as well.

    I recently babysat two girls ages 7 and 10 and brought the embroidery stuff. These girls sat there for an hour and stitched. I left what I had brought and hope they continue.

    I never finished anything as a kid - except for a giant granny square blanket when I was 11. My friend started the granny square for me, taught me how to go around and then went on vacation with her family. Since I didn't know how to start a square, I just kept going round and round. It took a year, but I did finish it.

  30. Hi! I just LOVE your embroidery and it so makes me want to try. (newbie - yes, that's right)

    Gorgeous ice photos on your last post too. WOW!

  31. Hi Kristin.

    I have a copy of Colorful Stitchery and have tried embroidery using your directions in the book. I have only used yarn on hand for the projects and would love your starter kit.

  32. Sounds like a great vacation project! Your ice pictures from yesterday reminded me of the ice storm we had here in Maine ten years ago. Fortunately for us this time around we were not as badly affected as the more interior sections.

  33. Another wonderful giveaway. I have done embroidery, but it's been awhile. I would love to teach my youngest daughter who's 15 and granddaughter who's 8 to embroider.

  34. Hi

    I've not done needlework in years - but I remember learning a young girl from my aunt. I think it is a good skill to pass along and am glad to find out about your books to share with my daughter.

    I've enjoyed your blog as a former resident of Western Mass, but now back home in Alaska.


  35. I would love to learn to do this -- and to bring my daughter along for the ride. :) Thanks again for the great opportunity.

    And thanks for sharing those BEAUTIFUL icy wonderland photos!

  36. Fabulous giveaway. If you're opening this one up to those of us out of America and Canada then I'd love to win it. If not, well that's ok, postage is horribly expensive, as I know every time I send something over to america!

  37. I learned to cross-stitch and embroider before I ever learned crochet and picked up knitting only as an adult. My five year old can do a pretty mean backstitch already and I even taught her Montessori kindergarten class to embroider a simple pumpkin outline. They loved it and you'll be glad to know several of them had already been shown some kind of sewing before!

  38. I mostly knit but have wanted to get back into embroidery too.

  39. This is why I love your blog so much! Such a nice diversity of projects!! I haven't embroidered in years, but with granddaughters wanting to do all kinds of crafts, it's just a matter of time before we pick up needle and thread. Thanks for your inspiration!

  40. I would love to win this because I not only knit, I embroider, crotch, I quilt and applique. Like they say, Jack of all trades, master of none!!! LOL.

  41. I learned to embroider when I was quite young. I honestly don't remember which came first, embroidery or knitting. I was really into crewel and cross stitch back in the 70s and 80s. Still have wall hangings I did for my kids.

    I own Kristin Knits, but it's living at my younger daugther's right now. She knits and embroiders too! So of course any embroidery books would be very welcome at my house!

  42. Hi Kristin! Boy, we sure didn't get the ice down here in the valley like you got up there. Phew!

    I have your Colorful Stitchery book and some basic supplies, so I'm not posting to win the kit. I'm all set, and have been enjoying doing modest embellishments on my knitted items since getting the C.S. book.

    But I did want to say that the quilt you made as a girl is so precious. Isn't it ironic that you now live within the same county as the real Holly Hobbie? When I told my sister (a Holly Hobbie fanatic from when she was a girl) that I lived that close to Holly, she screamed! Most people don't even know that Holly is A Real Person!

  43. Wow. What a giveaway. My daughter just had a discussion with me about how much she loves embroidery. I'd love to give her a package like this!

    I pray for healing in the New Year.

  44. I've done some embroidery and needlepoint, but I'm not an expert by any means.

    The ice photos are so gorgeous. It's hard to believe that something so beautiful can be so destructive.

  45. I just learned to embroider by taking a class at a great Minneapolis store called Crafty Planet. Your beautiful books would be great inspirations to help me really dive in. I love your Kristin Knits book that I already own. Thanks.

  46. What a fabulous gift to encourage creativity! I learned to embroider when I was young, but hadn't done it in many years, and learned again from you at a workshop in Lenox a year or so ago. I've used it on a few knitting projects (using your Julia yarn), and really enjoyed it.

  47. I am a knitter, but I have a coat I bought last year that I want to embroider flowers on. It's just sitting there on my coat rack. Waiting for me to figure out how to sew...

  48. I do own your Colorful Stitchery book, but I DO NOT own your children's book or any of your postcards. I teach knitting to a group of girls at a communtiy center during the summer so I appreciated your comments about teaching crewel work to kids in your town.

    I like to stitch but have not had time for it since I returned to get my masters full time. I do always have a knitting project going. That is what keeps me sane.


  49. I still have an embroidery book my aunt gave me for Christmas when I was a child....that was a long time ago! This would become a great treasure to add to my collection. Thanks for your generous kindness Kristin.

  50. I used to do a little embroidery, but more cross-stitch. My sister (17 years younger) has just recently begun embroidering and has done some cool things - she's much more inventive than I ever was. If I were to be so lucky as to win this, I would give it to her!

  51. I covet that book!!! I have just started showing my 10 yr. old daughter to embroider, I wish someone had showed me at that age.


  52. I taught my daughter, Siggy, how to embroider last summer. It made me very happy to see her sitting on the deck embroidery silks at the ready, hoop in hand. You have inspired me to embroider my knitted items. Thanks for the giveaway and Merry Christmas!

  53. Oh Kristin! Thank you for another wonderful give-away. I did one of your stitchery kits last year and enjoyed the change of pace from knitting. I'm also trying some embroidery on knitted wrist warmers this year thanks to your inspiration. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  54. Hi Kristin!

    I have done a little embroidery, but really want to learn more. I would really cherish these books and all the lovely goodies, and the beautiful cards = } Thanks so much for putting together such a wonderful giveaway!!! Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year to you!! Deb

  55. Wow! This is an awesome give away.
    I am a knitter who has just recently become obsessed with embroidery. I was so inspired by your book Kristin Knits, and took the workshop with you that was offered at Colorful Stitches, and learned so much! I love the way it feels to stitch-it's a much different feeling than holding knitting needles. I find it comforting and love to stitch the night away!

  56. You certainly put together some awesome giveaways!

    I do know how to do thread embroidery, counted cross stitch and a teeny bit of needlepoint. I once made a 3 x 6 foot needlepoint rug.

    I spent a number of hours as a girl doing thread embroidery which my mother taught me how to do. I taught myself how to do counted cross stitch which I enjoy when I have good light. I find that amusing because she bought stamped cross stitch for me as a girl and I hated it. She'd buy quilt blocks at the 5 and 10, I think, and we'd (my sister and I) would stitch them. The goal was to have enough to make a quilt but we never got that far.

  57. I would love to have these. I embroider only half as much as I knit.....

  58. Your quilt is beautiful. I have embroidered some in the past and think I could do it again in a pinch - after consulting a good book (like yours).

  59. Love the braid on your little praying girl - as a kid I always found it odd that people would do 'cruel' embroidery . . . now it looks like fun! Thanks for your generosity.

  60. I just came across you blog and what a wonderful giveaway! I have been wanting to start stiching but not sure where to start!

    Love the little praying girl!

  61. I learned to embroider as a child and have started trying to teach my daughter (age 5). Such a generous give away!

    And I am a knitter :)

  62. My sister and I used to take a lot of classes but the only embroidery of any type was Counted Cross Stitch. My mother loves Candlewicking.

    Love your ice pictures.

  63. I spent many many hours embroidering as a child. When I left for college in the early 1970's, I took all my embroidery paraphernalia with me and in my spare time 'decorated' a pair of cut off jeans that I loved to wear. When I finally ran out of room on them, they were absolutely AMAZING. And at some point they simply disappeared. LOL. Guess someone else loved them too. So I had to start another pair. Now I knit. But I made a large pocket on the last sweater that I'm not quite finished with and I intend to embroider that with some fingering weight wool, and also up the button band. I would love to have your books at my side to inspire me and give me great ideas. Happy stitching, Prissy

  64. what a great giveaway
    I have been looking for craft projects to do with my DD's when they are off from school over the holidays.
    I just love so many of the ornaments I have been seeing in blogland,
    we definitely could do some embroidered ornaments with your giveaway package.
    I can embroider a little but don't know a lot of stitches.
    and well the notecards, maybe my DD would actually send me some notes while she is away at college?
    can I hope!!!

  65. With the exception of some very rudimentary embroidery work when I was little and a recent bit of dabbling with the Stitch It Kit, I am new to embroidery. I would love to dabble a bit more to get a broader sense of the potential. I saw you when you were at the Wellesley Booksmiths Store and loved how you used embroidery techniques to embellish your knitted items.
    Thanks for doing these giveaways!

  66. Your embroidery has definitely inspired me to stitch on top of my knitting. I'd missed your embroidery book, though - would love to have that copy!

  67. oh such memories of yesteryear!! Love it!!

  68. I have two granddaughters I'd love to share this with.

  69. I've checked both of these books out from the library a few times. I'd love to be entered to win this beautiful giveaway.

    Thank you!

  70. I learned to embroider when I was about 5 - my first project was a Christmas tree that I traced the pattern for myself on muslin, then stitched the outline in green, and then sewed sequins to for ornaments. I got tired of the sequins half way through though so the tree only has ornaments on one side. My mom framed it in an embroidery hoop and we got it out every Christmas and hung it on the wall in the dining room. What a good memory!

  71. I'm a knitter, but I do know how to embroider (the basics, at least). My friend and I used to read the Laura Ingalls Wilder books and ply our needles when we kids.

  72. One of my goals is to learn to embroider. I have been working slowly towards it by adding details on my knitted items but am often at a loss for what exactly to add. I'm thinking some inspiration is needed!
    Thanks for the opportunity to win and sharing so much about your life with us.

  73. I embroider a little bit but have been itching to do more lately; I need more ideas of what to embroider and where. I also knit and crochet; I love it all, as well as sewing which I'm a beginner at. I love your blog - for the crafting, and the view of living in the country, another one of my dreams.

  74. You brought back so many memories with this post! I enjoyed embroidery as a child as one of my first needle crafts, and always loved Holly Hobbie. Your ice storm photos are breathtaking- thanks for sharing!

  75. My embroidery is limited to cross stitch although I've been drooling over the New Crewel book. Your books look fabulous as well. I'd love to win.

  76. Peace...absolutely.

    I used to embroider on denim shirts and jeans, back in the early 70s. My mother did crewel work and my aunt was into bargello. My crocheting and knitting came later on.

    Your quilt is wonderful. How great to re-visit it after all these years.

    Your give-away is very generous. I bet you find lots of knitters who also have embroidering in their bag of tricks!

  77. This is too good to resist. I'd love to get back into stitching, esp. since I now have a big girl to do it with! Anything to keep us busy during that long, long holiday break...

  78. oh my gosh how cool! (did you sign them? smile) I first learned to cross stitch in girl scouts in northern NH way way (wow) way back!(ok not that last way..maybe!) Then mom taught me to sew and i sewed alot! It has been a fairly short time since i did embroidery but would love to get back into it. I love the version of a sunbonnet sue quilt that you did! So sweet!

  79. Wow I love the detail of the quilt in that last photo. I would love to improve my knowledge of embroidery - so far all I make are Christmas ornaments with simple chain stich.

  80. Your books inspired me to stitch. Now I try to learn my kids.

  81. I love to embroider, am working on a baby quilt kit right now for my next grandchild. I have been working with a group of young women here in Ukraine, teaching them to crochet, tat and do basic embroidery (they already know how to knit). I really enjoy your blog, the photos are beautiful and I enjoy reading about your family. While I am so far from home, you help to keep me in touch. Thanks!

  82. You have brought back some good memories with this post today. Holly Hobbie, crewl stitching - I think I learned around 13. Good memories. I have a granddaughter to share this giveaway with - or just keep it for myself and do some stitching from long ago.

  83. I haven't embroidered since my own chilhood, and my masterpiece was a Holly Hobbie stitched on muslin that my Mom lovingly made into a peasant top. I wore that shirt out! My latest passion has been knitting, but seeing your post about embroidery has again made me think about that time when I too was obsessed with it. Thanks for helping to bring back those good memories....I think you may have re-kindled something!

  84. I think I have done chain stitch!

  85. I am very much into all things textile. Embroidery was on of the first textile art I learned, and was the only one taught to me by my mother. I learned by working on pillowcases with her when I was about 9 or 10. In high school in the 70s I taught my friends and we embellished our clothes with mushrooms/daisies/peace signs...When I married we moved into my husbands grandparents old house and I found an embroidery stitch guide with even more stitches to try out. Over the years I have embroidered lots of things, but recently it has taken a back seat to knitting and spinning. I also teach Visual Arts and have been toying with the idea of having my Advanced Art students work on some mixed media projects next semester that incorporate textiles. Your books would be a lot of help. My daughter owns Colorful Stitchery that I had planned to borrow, but if I win I will have my own copy to use. All your readers who like to embroider should check out your other site!

  86. I can manage a chain stitch and the button hole stitch. I tried crewewl but was a failure. I have managed to teach one granddaughter the basic kinit stitch with the poem through the front door, once around the back, peek through the window, and out jumps Jack.


  87. Thank you thank you for remionding me of Kid's Embroidery!! I will give it to my daughter who enjoys hand stitching. She is 11.

  88. Just like others in these comments, I used to embroider on pillowcases as a child. Of course, they aren't so popular to make. I definitely did not use such detail as your quilt. What a beautiful work; you should be proud! Thanks for offering the contest.

  89. My grandmother taught me to embroider when I was young but then I've discovered knitting and have been doing that ever since. I love your knitting book and would love these as well I'm sure. Jennifer

  90. I embroidered once upon a time, but not for years. This would be a perfect way to get back into it!

  91. Hi Kristin:
    I just want you to know you provide such great inspiration to me. I love following your blog. I bought a few different books based on your recommendations. I love the "camping out" one this summer when my husband and I camped with our 3 kids in NH.
    Thanks again for sharing your world with me! I'm in CT, and determined next summer to visit your sunflower patch :o)
    Maureen Fleming (CT)

  92. I haven't done embroidery in ages! this would be a good way to do some again :)

  93. I have fond memories of my grandmother teaching me to embroider. I even have my first project, dishtowels that I embroidered for that grandmother, that were given back to me when my grandmother died.

  94. Hi Kristin!
    I too, had a group of friends who liked to do embroidery, sew, craft, etc. I spent many lovely Saturday afternoons embroidering on jeans. As a huge Elton John fan in my Jr. High years I decorated a whole pair of jeans with Goodbye Yellow Brick Road designs. I still have those somewhere (I think!).
    I thank my Mom, and other ladies from church, for taking the time to (like you) get groups of us kids together and pass along the gift of needle crafts that I still love today.

    Thanks for your beautiful pictures, and sharing your life on the farm with all of us out here who dream.

    ~Amanda (gr8aunt on Ravelry)

  95. I love embroidery and embellish some of my knitting with crewel work. I still have a pattern book from when I learned in Girl Scouts and a booklet from my days in high school when embellishing chambray workshirts were the rage! What a treasure for some lucky winner--I hope it's ME!!!!
    Glad you are all safe from the terrible storms.

  96. I have wanted to get into embroidery for a long time. This would be the perfect treat!

  97. super giveaway! I learned to embroidery a bit when I was 8 or 9 but haven't done it in years. I could see myself relearning with this prize. And thanks for the great pictures on your blog.

  98. this gift would not be for me, but for my 10 year old niece who I've taught to knit, but loves to learn new crafts. She so reminds me of myself at her age!

  99. I've been offline for a bit, so just read back, caught the "you must raise a clothes-horse" post. I am so glad that a lot of support came your way. Who raised those staff people? My dear mother spent endless years telling me that, no, I did not need to dress like everyone else. Go, Julia, Kristin and the Farmer, Go Team! Onward!

    As for embroidery, I know how but haven't in a long while. I have memories of sitting outside, keeping my grandmother company on a summer Sunday.

    Gerrie in St Paul.

  100. This brings back memories of my grandmother embroidering pillowcases! I remember doing some basics... especially the "lazy daisies"!! What fun! I don't think I would have thought to take up embroidery again, but now you have inspired me:-))

  101. oh my, what a wonderful giveaway! i know one or two basic stitches and i fly by the seat of pants most of time. :) i have a 12 and 16 year old that love to do handcrafts, as well, so this would be a perfect holiday project. what fun!

  102. What a wonderful gift!! You are very generous in your giveaway! I would love to sit with my gd and see if I could get her going on this, as well I would like to try some more myself! I have some kits that havent' even been opened.

  103. I embroidered as a child but am mainly a knitter now. Just this past week I bought some floss and a hoop for my 6 year old son. He drew on his design and stitched much of the weekend. Thanks for sharing!

  104. Before I even knew there was an opportunity to win anything, I wanted to know how to make the DARLING quilt with the embroidered little girls! I actually did crewel adn needlepoint when I was a girl - LONG before I took up knitting. This generous gift-y goody would certainly be a wonderful excuse to pick up my embroidery needles again. Thanks, Kristin, for lots of inspiration - in crafting and in life!

    DianeV on Ravelry

  105. Embroidery was the first craft I did. I started embroidering pillow cases, moved on to crewel pictures. Spent a long time doing cross stitch and quilting before finallly arriving at knitting. So this give away brings me full circle in my crafting life.

  106. I'm just learning - I started embroidering within the last 12 months. I would love to win this!

  107. I have a cross stitch blanket that I made when pregnant with my daughter. My mom pieced it together. It hung for a few years in her room. I'm thinking I'll go dig it out of the storage drawer for a little appreciation...

  108. This reminds me of the first quilt I made about 25 years ago, an embroidered block quilt for my first-born niece in Portland, Oregon. Each square had a little pastel rainbow, and then the lattice was sewn with pastel ginghams - yellow, pink, light green, lavender and light blue. So simple. Makes me smile remembering. So different than the quilts that I make now.

  109. Embroidery was the first craft I ever learned! I love it! When I travel I usually have both a knitting project and an embroidery project with me. I hope I win!

  110. I think it was your embroidery that drew me here, even though knitting is my primary activity. a bit of colourful stitchery can totally change a project. i remember practicing french knots for hours.

    i recently ordered two sets of your post cards and they are beautiful beyond my wildest dreams. whoever "wins" will be one very very lucky person. :)

  111. I wish I could satin stitch as well as you. I currently working on bags that have felted pattern stitched on them. All my stitches look great except for the satin stitches. No matter how hard I try they just end up looking messy. Luckily your work inspires me to keep practicing.
    Nancy M. Downers Grove, IL

  112. I am such a huge fan of your books! I've knitted for 10 years and cross-stitched since college (now 20 years - yikes! - ago) and never considered that I could combine those lazy daises and french knots with my knitting until Kristen Knits came out. It was a REVELATION. I work as a high school librarian at a boarding school and usually teach a bunch of kids to knit every year (we have a knitting circle meeting in the library or at my dorm apartment and we are going to start some charity knitting this year). I would love to try teaching them some embroidery techniques too - they would love it!!

  113. I love seeing the quilt detail and hope you publish more closeups. Embroidery was the first needle skill I learned and I have the day-o-the-week tea towels to prove it. Of course I'd love to win your book!

  114. Wow,
    I really would love to win this. I have really just started stitching in the past couple of months, and I am hooked! I only know the basic stitches though, and now my daughter and her friends want to learn.

    This would be so great for all of us. Crossing my fingers, toes and eyes for this prize.

    Wooly hugs, and Happy Holidays to you whether I am the lucky winner or not:)


  115. I know how to cross-stitch, but I'd love to branch out! I've bought your Colorful Stitchery book for a gift for a friend, but I'd love to see these books for myself, too! I'd even spread the stitching love to some munchkins I know, too :)

  116. I bought your Kid's Embroidery book for my daughter, but ended up keeping it for myself. I had planned on buying two more copies at some point to share with my two girls! I've never been really that much of a needlewoman, but your type of embroidery makes me happy.

  117. I knit, but I first ran across you with Colorful Stitchery, which I love. I do very little embroidery, but it sure is fun when I do it! I stitched a tooth fairy my son drew on a pillow for him. Spent the whole day with the project. Loved it. Wouldn't have thought of doing it without Colorful Stitchery.

  118. This would be so much fun to do with the grandchildren

  119. Hi Kristin,
    What a wonderful giveaway! I did initially come here because of knitting (well, even more for your pictures of life on a farm :) ) However, it's probably safe to say that I have done more embroidery than I have knitting! I do love embroidery and I have really enjoyed your embroidery book for adults and the one for children (thanks to the library). My 8-year old daughter also enjoys embroidery and has been doing so well with it! I made a felted wool purse for myself this Fall and embroidered on it something that was inspired from your Colorful Stitchery.

  120. I found you through my love of knitting however I did get the crafty gene from my mother and sew, embroider and hook rugs. Your generous gift would be well used.

  121. I haven't done much embroidery, but I did take your borders and embellishments workshops at WEBS in November and had a great time learning to use some of the embroidery stitches on knitting.
    I would welcome the opportunity to learn more!

  122. Oh what a treat!
    I came from a non-crafting family, but somehow picked up embroidery and macrame' in jr high and went crazy. That was the time of Holly Hobbie etc....
    suddenly I am at it again. I don't really know what inpired me, perhaps bust magazine? But I have been unexplainably (is that real word?) embroidering on the front of these bags I am making as seasonal gifts! It is SO much fun. I have also taken up knitting, I have officially knitted for one whole week as of yesterday....AND I am dying inside the embroidery....another long story...too long for this commment!
    I am so excited to have stumbled upon your blog! I hope I am the winner! hee hee! ~m

  123. The embroidery is beautiful. It's something that never goes out of style. I'd love to be entered in your giveaway.

    Cindy Adams

  124. I've always longed to learn embroidery. My mother has a large cedar trunk filled with handwork made by my Grandmothers, Great Aunts and Great Grandmothers. I've admired it since I was a child and really want to carry on the crafts that they did so well! I taught myself to crochet and sew as a teen, I took my first knitting class last year (I'm obsessed), and embroidery is next on my list.

  125. I love to knit and do needlepoint, but have never tried embroidery. I definitely cotton to the notion of teaching little ones these crafts. Even if it turns out they don't like them, hopefully it will at least instill some appreciation of these fine arts.

  126. Wow, the prizes keep getting better and better! I'm mainly a knitter, but I've come back to embroidery lately, thanks mainly to your inspiration.

  127. I mostly knit, but did embroider as a child (Grandma taught me!). I did some Eric Wilson crewel designs when I was a stay at home mom and they are still on the wall in my family room. I recently finished a pair of embroidered fingerless mitts from Kristen Knits! I would love to win this giveaway!

  128. I learned to embroider from my Grandmother- I made cloth animal shapes and embroidered the lines for legs, face etc then added eyes. I also have done 3 demensional crewel. love your praying Holly Hobby.

  129. I am a knitter who needs to learn this beautiful craft.
    And yes! I am eager to learn!
    Thanks so much for your inspiration Kristin.
    And let's all pull in some good energy for peace in the new year.
    Love ya!

  130. I love knitting (that's how I found your blog) but embroidery is fast becoming my favorite craft - your memory of stitching to Mets games made me smile - I love to knit or embroider while watching Red Sox games.

  131. Is there anything you can't do? Once again, I am impressed! Please enter me in this contest. Thank you. I hope things are going better with Julia at school these days.

  132. Dang. Nothing like a giveaway to bring out the comments, huh?

    I would LOVE this prize -- my daughter has a beginner's interest in needlework and I love your colorwork. I can only imagine how many nights at the kitchen table in front of the fireplace will be spent with the projects in these books!

  133. I am a knitter, crocheter and sewer. I too, learned to embroider as a child. My mother wanted me to learn to do all the needlework crafts.

  134. I'm a knitter but signed up for a sewing class and have been interested in embroidery. I also have a Holly Hobby blanket!

  135. This would be so fun to do with
    my 7 year old! Thank so much!!
    I did this when I was younger,
    but it would fun to get a reminder!
    Thank you for yet anouther fun
    Rane and 4 silly kids'

  136. hi from Shell,
    I've loved knitting, embroidery and crochet since I was about six years old. Your books are wonderful and I have consistently added a lot of library fines to my card because of always keeping these great books longer than I am supposed to. I designed a Kids Embroidery Club as an AfterSchool activity along with a Knitting Club. It was very popular, with ages five and up.
    Your book wasn't out yet,the Kids' Embroidery, it would have been terrific inspiration.
    (I did use the Kids Knitting book.) First, we did freestyle embroidery on felt with hoops, as if we were drawing with thread. The results were so beautiful. Children then learned more stitch techniques.
    I am so happy for you that you have some embroidery work from when you were young. I embroidered a jean coat all over with flowers, stitch patterns and animals and am hoping that someday it will be found at my Mom's.
    Thank you for giving away such treasures. Your books celebrate such beauty that children and adults can enjoy. Certainly takes away the winter doldrums.
    thanks again,
    ~ have fun drawing the winner ,Julia ~

  137. Hi, Like so many others above, I have been embroidering since I was about six years of age. I still remember trying to keep my stitching straight and my mother helping me. My father was insistent that I learn to embroider (my mother reluctantly taught me). So, to this day, when I embroider I remember my father. Wow, you have put together such a neat package, who could resist entering!!!

  138. I love to embroider as well as knit. I was just teaching my 4yod to backstitch on some burlap. What lovely books and goodies!

  139. What a fantastic giveaway. I used to embroidery quite a lot as a young person, a lot of cross stitch pillowcases but not crewel work. Granddaughter has learned knitting, would love to introduce her to embroidery.

  140. Hi, Kristin,

    I would love to win your contest prize! I learned to embroider when I was little; a neighbor taught me as my mother was totally uninterested in handcrafts. I embroidered for years until I discovered knitting! Would love to try it again.

    All the best,
    Carol Perecman

  141. What a wonderful goody bag. I know how to embroider and love seven children (at home) love to do needlecrafts and I am just beginning to teach them to embroider. We have your Kid's Embroidery book and I have your knitting them both.

    Thank you,
    Diana B.

  142. Wow, what an awesome prize! I'm not sure I would say I'm an embroiderer but I have done little do-dahs on my jeans but that was back in the 70's. However, fast forward to now and the fact that I find myself decorating my jeans again. I guess I'm still 16 in my head, huh? I don't have grandchildren yet but there is an awesome young girl at my church named Josie who loves any kind of crafts. I'd be willing to share with her. :)

  143. I spent the 70's decorating my jeans and doing crewel embrodiery from kits too. I was a young married living far from home with a couple of small kids. I haven't done crewl in ages and occasionally now do redwork. I can knit...thats just it...just knit not even purl but I'm looking for a good basic class to get moving on the purls! I'd love the books as I have a new grand daughter to teach in a few years.

  144. yes i embroider! i love to do all the fiber crafts but embroidery is particularly relaxing. i love to do the old fashioned designs, you know, the days of the week, i even found some patterns that show snails doing various "jobs" around the house. hysterical. love to read your blog.
    debby wolff

  145. A knitter, embroiderer, cross-stitcher, machine embroidery....all kinds of wonderful thread art. Your blog site was given me by my favorite
    yarn shop owner...and she was right..many, many pretty items.
    I will be returning often.

  146. Wow what a wonderful prize. I am a stitcher wanna-be. I do know how to cross stitch but that is the extent of my stitching skills. Thank you for the opportunity to win this great prize.

  147. I embroidered before I did any other needlework. That was the 60's and 70's. I made Holly Hobbie items for my girls. We still have them. Other needlework caught my interest over the years but right now I am knitting AND stitching.
    My 5 year old granddaughter asked to learn to "stitch" so we are making very simple layered flowers. Saturday we are going to make a simple stocking ornament for her tree. My daughter borrows my copy of Colorful Stitchery. I would love to be entered in the giveaway. By the way, your blog was the first one I ever read. I really enjoy the variety of subjects you discuss. Cheers!

  148. What a wonderful collection of stuff. I would love to be selected to try my hand (again) at ebroidery.

  149. I've been embroidering just small things these days- little felt brooches, knit hats, but I really like it. I tried counted cross stitch a few years ago and it was a disaster. I've really liked learning the different stitches and working free form though.

  150. I learned crewel and needlepoint along with knitting and crocheting back in the 60s when I was in elementary school, and my best friend and I spent hours crafting while we read aloud to each other (one would read while the other stitched, taking turns chapter by chapter.) By our early teens we had gotten through most of Shakespeare and Margaret Atwood this way, along with several afghans. I kept needlepointing for years, though I mostly knit now, and my crewel is limited to bits of patterns on the knitting. One of my boys knits, the other likes to needlepoint (though not for very long at a time). My daughter's six, and so far she'll only sit still for bargello, which she actually learned in kindergarten. I love the idea of this giveaway. And as a relatively new reader I love your blog!

  151. Your photos of the ice storm are stunning.

    I'd love to take up embroidery again. I remember getting the cardboard "lacing" cards when I was little, and we used to do the pre-stamped pillowcases. I'm starting to collect the Australian "Inspirations" magazines, and the embroidery in them is to die for!

  152. What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to win this for my daughter (of course, I'd use it too!). However, if I don't win I'm sure I'll be heading to the library to see if they have it to borrow! :-)

  153. i have been eager to learn, i just don't know where to start. your book looks like the PERFECT place to start :)

  154. Holy cats! Your work is beautiful, both as a girl and your current work. I am inspired every time I drop by your blog, and would love to have these books.

  155. Wow and again wow! Your generosity is marvelous. I embroidered in my younger days and am just rediscovering the pleasure of it. I would love to win this and jump into embroidery again.

    Blogless Susie .... swolfe44 at verizon dot net

  156. Wow, that brought back memories of when I learned to embroider when I was a little girl. I'd love to pass this craft on to my son, along with the dyeing, spinning, knitting, etc. that I used to spend hours upon hours doing before he came along last year. Thanks for sharing your wonderful art with the world.

  157. Oh what a wonderful prize.........I LOVE embroidery,such beautiful designs.....

  158. I loved to embroider til my eyes got old -- but I have 3 nieces who are interested in learning! What a nice give-a-way!

  159. I love embroidery, but haven't down too much since learning to knit. What a great thing to win! The colors are beautiful.

  160. What a wonderful giveaway! I have done some wool-on-wool embroidery, but would like to do more and learn more stitches.

  161. I am a beginner-- just doodling with floss and encouraging my daughter to try. I think we would both be inspired to make lots of beauties from these books!

  162. Throw my name in the hat. I love to embroider, love to make pictures with thread.

  163. I've done a bit of needlework in the past, just finished making your fingerless mitts and had such fun embroidering with yarn on them. Now I am anxious to try more!

  164. Hi - I have just found your blog. The beauty of the landscape in your photos is breath taking - as the cold must be too!
    I am not sue, given the time difference between New Zealand and Mass., whether my comment will make it in time for the draw. I am active in the local embroiderers' guild. I have a 7 year old grand daughter who loves to watch me 'needling'. I am sure that your book would help me enthuse her for the life long pleasure of creating with needle, threads and fabrics!

    Best wishes for a blessed Christmas,

    Erica Marsden

  165. The elarged photo of the little girl and the quilt is just an amazing accomplihment for a little girl. My embroidery has not been exposed to such creativity. thanks. I'd love to win...Margot K VA


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,