
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Pre-Holiday Sock Yarn Giveaway

Last month, I did a presentation on Opening Day at Stitches East - the giant knitting convention run by the wonderful folks at XRX, publishers of Knitters Magazine. I was asked, along with four other designers, to present new ideas for sock yarn - as long as the finished project was not a sock. The editorial team at Knitters chose one of my three ideas. I worked up the project and presented it to the group. The finished project will be featured in the Spring issue of Knitters Magazine.

To get my design process going, I was sent a box of yarn - full of lovely colors of sock yarn. It was a generous sampling of different fibers and textures. I used what I needed to get my swatching and project complete. And so now, I would love to pass on the lovely yarns that I didn't use to a sock knitter out there in the knitting blogosphere. The collection includes yarn from Mountain Colors, Cherry Tree Hill Farm, Wisdom Yarns, SWTC, Austermann, Schoeller-Stahl, and Regia. All of these companies are sponsors of Knitters' Magazine's Think Outside the Sox Contest.

Along with the sock yarns, the lucky winner will get a set of twelve of my Sock Postcards to enjoy. The deadline is, like last week, noon on Friday. Please, only U.S. and Canadian addresses only. To enter, just sign in in the comment section of this post. I will contact the winner on Friday afternoon and you'll have until Monday to respond. I'll also announce the winner on the blog this Friday afternoon. If you don't have a blogger account, check back in with me.

Spread the word - the more the merrier. What could be better - sock yarn for post-holiday knitting and sock cards for post-holiday thank you notes. As for me? I'm wondering if there will be more sock knitters entering than last week's Baby Knitting Giveaway. Enjoy your day.


  1. wow, what a generous box and cool cards! Hard to believe winter is here and xmas around the corner. We have snow in our forcast for this coming weekend...yeah!

  2. I am a dyed in the wool sock knitter and would so love to win some yarn and your lovely cards (unemployed knitter that a I am at this point). I really enjoy your blog and creativity.

  3. Such pretty yarn! I can hardly wait to see your pattern!

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing the patterns in Knitters.

    Ohhh, more yarn? That's exciting! But, shhhh, don't tell The Professor about the yarn give away, ok?

  5. Wow, this is an amazing giveaway! Sure to make some lucky knitter feel very, very fortunate. Thanks for doing this!

  6. That's really pretty. I would really love to win some.
    Specially the ones that I can't get in the Netherlands. But the shipping is to far.

    I think you are gonna make someone really happy.

    Love, Wendy

  7. Thank you for the chance to win such a generous package!

  8. Wow! I would love that box of gooies. With Christmas coming I know just who I would share it with. What a lovely generous contest.

  9. Dear Kristen: I'm a lurker coming out to say what a nice give-away. Sign me up and keep on with the good blogging. Pattie in San Francisco

  10. lovely yarn! Lovely cards! Who wouldn't want this?

  11. Please sign me up for the sock yarn give away - I need to add more to my stash. I simply can't get enough of those lovely yarns.

  12. What a nice contest, Kristin. I just got the sock postcards for my knitting daughter's Christmas stocking, and I would love to win some for myself! They are really lovely.

    Barbara M. in NJ

  13. The best to you and your family this holiday season. I enjoy reading about the farm life. (And I love to knit socks!)

  14. Wow, what a nice giveaway! I'm crossing my fingers.

  15. I certainly do not deserve such generosity, but here I am, signing up.
    Just yesterday I was knitting with my most favorite yarn of all time, "Julia"...and thought of you, of course. :) (I used to knit with it when it was called Tapestry, and I loved it then.)

  16. Would love to enter but I leave across the pond.... so looks like I'm not eligible :(

  17. What a generous giveaway - I'd love to enter!

    ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

  18. Oooohhh, what a pretty bunch of yarn! My first post here, but I'm a faithful reader who drools over your fabulous way with color!

  19. I love the postcards!

    Gerrie in MN

  20. I love the colors in your cards...and to add sock yarn to it? Perfection!

  21. I have been a quiet admirer here for a while, but for socks, I will break that silence! (If I show up twice it's because I'm having trouble getting a comment to work!) Thanks for this great chance at wonderful sock yarn!

  22. Oh, my! What a lovely display of sock yarn! My fingers are itching to jump into it! Thanks for the opportunity for the give-away

  23. Oh fun!
    That Cherry Tree Hill yarn AND the Mountain Colors yarn is enough to entice me!
    I'm still blogless, but I'm on Ravelry........

    gr8aunt (Amanda)

  24. Your giveaway is a fiber fanatic's dream!!!!! I have done a few crochet projects with sock yarn...must be very strategic in design length to get a suitable pattern, but sometimes it is amazing what shows up. I have also used it for linen borders - a lovey varigation and lots of fun!
    I love to hang out with knitters - and they don't mind a crocheter hanging around.

  25. hi Kristin, thank you for the beautiful give-away of yarns.
    I would love to enjoy such a feast.
    I'm at home on a school snow day, knitting mittens & feasting on ~Kristin KNITS~ designing mittens.
    The postcards are terrific. I've been a fan of your art ever since aquiring my first copy of Kids Knitting.
    ~snow~knitting~coffee~chocolates, this will be a lovely day. best to you.

  26. Wow! What an incredible prize. I love the idea of knitting something other than socks with sock yarn. I am currently working on a toddler sweater out of sock yarn. Count me in for this incredible cotest.

  27. Thanks for sharing the yarn! We are in sock mode this time of the year.

  28. I'd love to be included in the giveaway. It is such a beautiful collection. My 6 year old son really wants me to knit him some socks. He would love to pick from the bunch. Thanks!

  29. Gosh, that is a huge amount of wonderful yarn. Happy to help you destash.

  30. Please sign me up for this give-away. My feet are like blocks of ice without woolen socks and I need more! Besides, I've already given away a bunch of the sock cards I got at the Fiber Twist :)

  31. Oooh, I'm almost more excited about the prospect of winning the cards (LOVE those cards!)

    Elizabeth D

  32. Please add me to the list. I have gone sock crazy this fall and I love your cards.

  33. Kristin, I can hardly wait to see your designs for spring, and I would love to win the sock yarns. (More socks for my adorable husband!)

    Thanks for your wonderful blog, and may you and yours have a peaceful and prosperous holiday season.

    Vicki Stammer

  34. Hope the sheep are doing better, my daughter and I love reading about them. Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  35. Please add me to your sock yarn giveaway list. Your blog is wonderful--so much fun to read.

  36. I'd also love to win some of that scrumptious yarn! Good luck everyone!!

  37. Love your colorful blog, and your use of embroidery on knitted projects - very inspiring! Sign me up to try and win that yarn...

  38. I love the cards and seeing as I just gave away some of my sock stash, I just have to put my name into the mix...

  39. Kristin:

    Checking your blog daily is like Christmas. I love your eye for the beauty of everyday life. Just started another pair of your mittens frosdm Kristin Knits for my girls. Hope you have an amazing holiday.


  40. I love making socks and this is such fun. I am sure you are enjoying it as well. Smile

  41. What an awesome giveaway and a great Christmas present! The notecards are adorable.

  42. Lovely lovely yarn goodness. Thank you for such a nice way to share your goodies.

  43. I was just saying yesterday that I need to knit more socks. The yarn and cards both look wonderful.

  44. Beautiful yarn. I love sock knitting (and my family loves the end product). Thank you for sharing your extras.

  45. Since I just took a pair of socks off the needles this morning what a better time than now for some new sock yarn.

  46. Oh boy, I love to knit socks! What lovely yarns, I do hope I'm the lucky person.

  47. Lovely sock yarns plus the so special postcards ... priceless ... I'm in!

  48. What a great christmas present! I have just the place for all that yarn! Thanks, Nat Alea from OK

  49. Love your blog! It is one I read all the time. I would love to win your giveaway.

  50. What can we say?... Sock knitters are multitudinous. After all... Not everyone knows someone with a baby, but everyone knows someone with feet.

  51. Oh gosh! Sock yarn, especially from you, would be lovely! And the note cards are wonderful!!!!!

    I love your blog.

  52. How very exciting!!!! I was wondering if we'd have a coyote update but then discovered you were having a giveaway!

  53. Wow, can one ever have too much sock yarn? Never! What a lovely prize, and your great cards to boot. Love your color sense and photography.

  54. I would think there should be many more entries. Not everyone has babies in their lives, but there's a really good chance that most have feet!

  55. Thanks for lovely giveaway, Kristin!
    count me in.

  56. Hi Kristin,

    Great colors of yarn.
    Please count me in!

  57. I am just finishing my first sock and have quite a lineup for more already! The yarn is beautiful and the postcards are so great! Thank you for your generosity.

    - Natalie Schuler

  58. First off, I'm so very sorry to hear about the loss of your sheep and especially Cora. I was heartbroken when I read that.

    Secondly, those sock yarns are beautiful and I can't wait to see what wonderful project you came up with. I'd love to add them to my stash....

  59. Kristen,
    I just caught up on some of your recent posts- I'm so sorry about your sheep losses, very sad. We do keep guardian dogs and shared concerns about them hurting people, but they are good, even with strangers. No alpaca losses since we've had them.
    Love the cabins, too, and can't wait to make some! Thank you for sharing.

  60. Hi Kristin,

    So sorry to hear about your sheep, and especially Cora. That is the heartbreaking part of farming.

    And what a generous giveaway. Please put me in the pool: greenmtngirl at gmail dot com.

    Thank you, and happy Christmas!


  61. What a great opportunity! Thanks for sharing with us!

  62. ooh, i'd love to win. i actually crochet my socks (but want to learn to knit them soon!)-- but I still use that same fancy sock yarn. here's the first pair i made: (i liked them so much i made another pair for my sister).

    i've been seeing lots of pretty projects that take off with sock yarn, and can't wait to see yours too!

  63. That's quite a prize.
    I enjoy your blog, even when there aren't any prizes :-) !

  64. Kristin, I didn't enter the Baby Knits contest because I already have a much-loved copy. But this contest -- oh, what lucious yarns and gorgeous cards. Sign me up! And even if I don't win (I never win contests), I thank you for your generosity in this often dismal December.

    Charlotte H.
    Worcester, MA

  65. These sock yarns are lovely! I definitely need to get back into knitting socks with all the new choices available. Thanks for the generous giveaway.

  66. Pretty sock yarn! Pick me, please!

  67. Oh..I really like the cards..and different sock yarns to try too. I'm in.


  68. How Fun! Thanks for throwing my name in the pot. Can't wait to see all the non-sock ideas in the magazine.

  69. thanks for the great give-a-way. The colors look wonderful, and would be great to win to have a stash for the upcoming snow season. A snow day to sit and knit perhaps???
    Please enter my name and thanks again.

  70. Oooh, what a wonderful giveaway, Santa, er, Kristin. Thanks!!

  71. How generous of you. Thank you. It's a rabid sockknitter's dream!
    Love your postcards too.

  72. What a super thing for you to do. All of it is gorgeous and the cards are really cute. Wow! That's certainly enough to share with friends.

  73. Ooh!!!OOOOH! Pick me! Pick me!
    p.s. My kids and I always enjoy looking at your animal and nature photos. Thanks for brightening our day.

  74. I would love some sock yarn and the cards are fantastic. Thank you, Kristin, for doing this (even if I don't win!0

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Thank you, Kristen, for such a generous giveaway! I read your blog often and love sharing your farming stories with my daughter.

  77. Thank you for your generosity. That is a lovely bunch of sock yarn.

  78. Please keep updating about the coyote situation. I thought about poor Cora all day!


  79. Thanks for this passing on those yummy yarns!

  80. Thanks again for your generosity to all of us, Kristin. The sock yarn and cards are wonderful!

  81. Such a great way to evoke the spirit of the season

  82. Wow, love the sock yarn and your gorgeous sock cards. Please count me in!

  83. yay fun! thanks so much. :) i just love your cards!

  84. What a great contest! Thanks for the chance! :)

  85. Sign me up please. That yarn looks delicious.

  86. This would be great to win! On an entirely different note, please tell Julia that I am sorry about Cora.

  87. Lovely sock yarn! That is so generous of you. Socks are my playground. They are fun to design and practical too, as they keep my feet toasty and colorful.

  88. Hi from Minnesota...cold here..need socks. Thanks for the fun of it!!

  89. How fun! I love the postcards and I'm feeling lucky, so put my name in the hat.

  90. How exciting! Someone will be very luck to be chosen.

  91. What's not to love about sock yarn and cards!

  92. What a lovely prize...I think the best part of it is the postcards...

  93. Wow, great giveaway! Count me in. So sorry to hear about your sheep losses, especially Cora. (I lost my special ewe a few months back-to health issues-so hard to give them up.)Our Great Pyrenees are fine with people. Mainly they patrol, bark and mark territory. I've had Pyrenees for 20 years or so and never had one be aggressive.

  94. oooh! Sign me up. Somebody is going to be very happy with all those yummy yarns & your beautiful cards!

  95. Oh, how cool! I'd love to be entered into this giveaway. For the record, I'd have entered the last one if I'd seen the post in time - I'm a bit behind in my blog-reading!

    Sorry to hear about the sheep losses, especially Cora. Losing an animal to which you have such a strong connection is so, so hard.

  96. Who couldn't/wouldn't love more sock yarn. And fun thank you notes? Thank YOU for the great giveaway!

  97. Count me in! Thanks for offering such a great giveaway!

  98. One can never have enough sock yarn OR cards for writing notes to knitting friends. :)

  99. How generous of you!
    Signing in.

  100. Thanks for your generous offer! I look forward to seeing your designs.

  101. What a lovely giveaway.
    I'm sorry to hear about Cora. I know all about coyote problems. One got one of our cats last summer, my daughter's favourite. I hear them howling in the woods every night.
    Hope the tides turn for you soon.

  102. Love reading your blog. The knitting is great and I love the farm life.
    Erika in NH

  103. love your blog, and we all need to increase our stash, right? i am a big fan,
    debby wolff in california

  104. what a fabulous giveaway! Good luck everyone :)

  105. I would love to enter. Thank you.

  106. how generous of you! and such a great stash enhancing package!

    please enter me!

  107. Oh! How exciting! All kinds of sock knitting yumminess. Not sure how I'll continue my Christmas knitting with my fingers crossed. ;)

  108. OOh, I see some of my favorite sock yarns and colors in there! And I've always loved your pictures/cards.

  109. Gorgeous! I was thinking of your blog today when I had some tea out of my mug that had artwork you did on it and had to come check out what was new. Love the cards! I also love the sheep in the last blog.. cute!

  110. Wonder what your idea was...guess we have to wait for Knitters Magazine spring issue. When does that hit the newsstands?

    Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks!

  111. What a beautiful giveaway. I love sock yarn and have alot already. I love making sweaters, toys, and shawls with the fingering weight. The postcards makes me feel very happy. You are a wonderful blogger! Rosemary

  112. I love your stories of life on the farm and was very touched about your story of Cora and needing to tell Julia of her death. It certainly put our little dramas at home (cancelled playdates and the like) into perspective. Thank you for sharing so much with your readers.


  113. Wow! How kind of you to share. And yes, I'd be beyond delighted. So sorry about Cora. Hugs

  114. I really enjoy your blog, Kristen, and I can't wait to see that issue of Knitter's. And, ooh, sock yarn!

  115. Yay socks! Love the notecards (they're on my Christmas list)

  116. You are so kind to share!!

  117. Hi Kristin,

    Wow this is generous of you. I would love to be entered in the sock yarn giveaway. I'm having fun with a great sock project right now. My sock yarn stash could use some enhancing though.


  118. Oh my, such a wonderful giveaway during a wonderful holiday.

  119. You aren't kidding about the variety you have there. What a great gift.

  120. How beautiful -- and what an inspiration for 2009! Thanks so much for a wonderful blog, and happy holidays to all of you!

  121. There are so many comments there is no chance to win... but how can I not give it a shot? Love your cards, just got the package I ordered earlier this week. And sockyarn? Mmmmm....


  122. that is so nice! i love your cards! they may be mine anyways!
    thanks for the chance!
    knittinggolfer on rav

  123. I love your colorful knitting! Hope you pick me! Charlotte in Missouri

  124. Oh, how lovely. I was just thinking how much I would love a pair of knit socks for ME (my husband, children and my mom enjoy theirs very much)!!

  125. Ok I am new here but love your
    sweet little farm blog!
    I let my kids read about the
    sheeps' death earlier*we live
    in the city even though I grew
    up on the farm...* And this is
    what they said "we have to think
    of something... ideas that's what
    we need! ... Ok write this down
    mom! (I have 4 kids)
    1.) A a castle...7yo.
    *no no that wont work they can
    swim...(12 year old says)
    what if their is not water and it
    is deep and they take the bridge
    at night? 7yo.
    12 yo... Maybe.
    2.) 12yo. How about motion lights?
    3.) 7yo. how about mirrors? If they
    see themselves maybe they will
    think they are the guard dogs.
    12yo... but they would not smell
    the gaurd dogs...
    7yo... oh... ok they borrow a
    new dog to walk around the outside
    of the area and give him water
    so he has ta go... (LOL...ok)
    they wont know the dog... so they
    will see themselves and get
    4.) 3yo.. how about bells on the
    razy guards...*everyone laughs*
    5.) hubby.. how about you burn
    around the area where the sheep
    are kept? it would have to be
    at least 15 feet wide. Just a
    idea. It would kill some smells
    and the fire would likely scare
    them for a while.. I am not sure
    if you are aloud but it might
    work but getting rid of bushes
    and such will get rid of hidding
    spots too.. they would be more
    out in the open.
    6.) 3yo... pay yo gaurds better..
    *everyone laughs again...3yo is
    a stand up!)
    7.) 12yo.. dont pay your gaurds
    (food?) then they will eat the
    coyotes ...(in my mind...
    Tonights head line news at 6...
    Donkey named Eeyore and his pal
    Jeremy a llama attacked and ate
    a pack of coyotes ..
    details at 11.)
    8.) 3yo... feed them dog food..
    9.) 7yo... but they would come
    back everyday.... 12yo...
    move the food farther and farther
    away... then feed them everotherday
    then less and less...somewhere
    that there are rabbits.. 7yo..
    crying over bunnies now.
    10.) Let a Loud music on..3 yo.
    11.) Call the police..3 yo.
    12.) 12 yo.. put petroleum jelly
    on the fence.
    13.) 7 yo.. plant lots of roses
    around... they will smell
    different and the roses have thorns
    12yo... that wont work... they will
    hide in them.
    14.) 12yo... Farmer pees on the
    outside of the fence.Maybe everyone
    should keep their pee and pour it
    around there.
    15.) It is too cold to pee outside.
    3 yo. 12yo... would a scarecrow
    work? One that moves and have a
    light? you could use a lattern that
    uses sunlight and hang the
    scarcrow up so he swings and moves.
    16.)or you could have eeyore carry
    the scarecrow at night on a saddle.
    17.) get the fence that makes noise
    that dogs dont like...I see it on
    the T.V....12yo.
    18.) put a TV out there, maybe the
    coyotes will watch it and not
    the sheep...3yo.
    19.) Maybe some of the ash that
    he is putting down could deter
    the coyotes if he adds it outside
    the fence? hubby.
    20.) 7yo.. pour pepper everywhere
    so they sneeze and cant smell the
    The baby has fallen asleep so
    we will go but my little family
    hopes that it gets better on your
    farm... keep us posted as to what
    happens. My kids said that the want
    to think of other ideas.
    Rane and 4 crazy kids

  126. Kristin, I've never left a comment, but I enjoy reading your blog so much. All that sock yarn has drawn me out of lurkerdom! Aside from the occasional sweater or throw, socks are the only thing I knit. They're just so portable, ya know. So all that sock yarn would come in handy for me.

  127. How beautiful! As a new-ish I feel I'm finally ready to start knitting socks.

  128. I'd love some new sock yarn...coming from a person who said she would never knit socks, I have to chuckle! Can't wait to see what you came up with for a non-sock idea.

  129. What a nice Christmas present this would make! and this would motivate me to knit my first pair of socks :)

  130. Count me in, please! Love the folky sock postcards!

  131. Coming out of lurkdom to say, what a wonderful gift. I check your blog daily and enjoy your posts.

  132. The sock yarn looks great but it is your note cards I yearn for.

  133. Count me in! It's a very generous gift.

  134. Please! consider me..........I have no idea what I would do with it but I sure would have fun trying! Thanks!

  135. I just love those sock post cards! It truly shows your wonderful colourwork in a whimsical fashion!

    Great contest...

  136. I would love to win the yarn and the cards. Please count me in.

  137. Sock yarn! Sign me up! And some of your postcards too. Woohoo!

    Circleville, Ohio

  138. Hi Kristin,
    Thanks for doing such a great giveaway. Some of the sock yarns I've used, and love, and some of them I haven't tried yet. So many socks, so little time!! Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  139. The colors are so beautiful! I just spent three hours at Knit One last night in the Sock Club, working on a Kristin Knits Happy Sock. Hope Stacey can get you to come to Da Burgh some day! Oh, and by the way..the reason so many people are addicted to doing SOCKS is Kristin Knits!!!

  140. Its about time I write and tell you how much I enjoy your writings, drawings and pictures. I live in OK and we are in the process of clearing a piece of land to have some animals of our very own. I love to knit socks for my family but I love your postcards and drawings a little more! I hope your problems with your sheep are over have a great day!
    Liz Angus

  141. Wow! Talk about motivation to de-lurk. Can't wait to see what you came up with!


  142. What a wonderful gift, I hope I win, I love sock yarn and your postcards!

  143. Ooooh, count me in! I can't imagine a better giveaway!

  144. Oh, Sock Yarn to feed my habit. Sock cards to inspire my whimsy. What a lovely gift that would be.


    I hope I win.

    Thanks for your generosity!

  145. Neat cards, and lovely yarn! Add me to the list, please.
    Oh yeah maybe the snow we got is on its way to you!!

  146. Just starting my second-ever pair of socks and would love to add this yarn to my stash - both my children, their friends, not to mention my long-suffering husband are lined up from here to July for their own socks! Love the cards too - also on my Christmas list of Kristin Nicholas things I'd like this year! Thanks so much for another great contest!

  147. Hi Kristen,
    I just discovered your blog through a link from Susan Andersen, and I've spent nearly 2 hours reading and exploring your wonderful life and works. I would love to be entered in your contest. I always have a pair (or 2 or 3) of socks on the needles.

  148. Love your colorful patterns - I made 2 pair of socks using your pattern for a raffle at my Spinning Guild to benefit breast cancer research this fall. Please add me to the list of those coveting your give-a-way -- and to those who pray you won't have any more trouble with the coyotes - although I think you'll have to get really nasty with them to get them to quit killing the sheep.

  149. Hi!

    I have been making flowers with sock yarn lately. Would love to try some new yarns! What a beautiful assortment.

    Can't wait to see the ideas you come up with.

  150. Ooooo! Iwannaentertoo!!! Thank you, Kristin. Can't wait to see the sock pattern.

  151. I love the cards and of course the yarn is great too. Thanks for running the give-away.

  152. I've been knitting from my stash and it is starting to show. Would love some new items and LOVE the cards!

  153. I would very much like to have it ALL! Thanks for sharing your knitty booty. Happy Holidays to you, too.

  154. Thank you for the give away. Your cards are great and the yarn would be wonderful. I am going to check out the xrx videos of the event if it's posted.
    Thanks again.

  155. I'm looking forward to seeing your sock yarn pattern this Spring. I always enjoy your use of patterns and colors so I'm excited to see what you've come up with.

    What a wonderful giveaway! Please count me in of course.

  156. YAY! I Love a free give away!! I'll admit that I'm trying to branch out from my sock addiction but I can't let some free yarn pass me by. :)

  157. Such beautiful yarn! I'm excited to see what you did when the magazine comes out!

    Maria in Denver

  158. I agree with you about Julia letting you know if she wants to dress like everyone else. We live in the country for the lifestyle and we are not meant to all be the same. I am a new sock knitter and would love the chance to win your yarn.

  159. Ooh, I'm just learning to knit and I'd be giddy if I won this stuff! Thank you!

  160. What a fun and generous giveaway! Hope all is peaceful on your farm today.

  161. how nice of you to share, it looks like a treasure for family and charity knitting. Jane (also a farmer)

  162. I would love to recieve the sock yarn as I am knitting caps for charity. They are for infants in other countries. I don't know if I'd actually use it for socks as I've only made 1 so far.

  163. What fun! This is great because I love sock yarn and I don't always make socks with it. I can't wait to see the issue with the ideas.

  164. Fabulous yarn - how generous! I love knitting socks (carrying on my grandmother's tradition of handknit socks). This year for Christmas one of the gifts I'm knitting is convertible gloves/mittens out of self striping sock yarn. And your cards look FUN! We can all us more fun :)

  165. I just happened upon your blog and am enjoying both your remarkable generosity and fabulous outlook on life! Thanks for the inspirations!

  166. I'm finding non-sock projects with lovely patterned yarn to be lots of fun! Can't wait to see your pattern.


  167. Wow! what an amazing offer for a giveaway. You are very generous. I would be ecstatic to have any one of those skeins. Thank you for writing a wonderful blog.

  168. Please enter me into the drawing. While I haven't yet tackled socks, I do love sock yarn (baby hats, sweaters, etc) and look forward to seeing what you came up with for sock yarn that is not socks.

  169. I am just lovin my crazy socks!
    Diane at Peaceful Acres

  170. Pretty yarn and cards. I love to be entered in the giveaway.

  171. Since I am knew to socks and am currently working on my third pair... I would love for a bit more sock yarn and your cards are adorable.

  172. Oooo, I've been wanting your sock postcards anyway. Please enter my name! That is a great stash of sock yarn.

    And keep putting Julia in pigtails. She is adorable.

  173. What a lovely selection and how generous of you to do this. I would love the sock yarn and my friends and family would love receiving more notes from me. Please add my name to the list. Thank you!

  174. "Sock it to me" love those note cards from the first time you posted them. I would string them on some of the sock yarn before I started knitting away. Thanks for the Christmas Spirit give a ways.

  175. Gorgeous yarns! I can't wait to see the pattern! I love using sock yarns for everything! Please include me in the contest!

  176. Love your sock cards--I think I'll put some on my Christmas wish list! It's snowing here, and it makes me want to cozy up by the fire and knit socks. Thanks for holding a contest!

  177. Gorgeous sock yarn!
    Count me in please. And feel free to post more pictures of your sheep. I love sheep.

  178. Beautiful Yarn!

    I enjoy reading your blog - love the sheep pictures you post.

    Donna Goad

  179. Can't wait to see what you've come up with this time!**

  180. Thank you for your warm generosity! Sock knitting sounds pretty good right now after all the holidaze of hats and mittens.

  181. I would love to add those goodies to my sock yarn collection.


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,