
Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Back to School, Back to Work

I've just spent a couple of weeks doing pretty much nothing work/knitting/craft/studio related and spent every waking minute with Julia and a few with The Farmer when his haying/our farmer's markets' schedules worked. Now it is September 1st and Julia is back to school and I am overwhelmed by all there is that needs to be done! I know all mothers feel this way when summer vacation ends. We'll all get through it - just remember to breathe everyone!

In my haste to keep up the blog a bit while I was away I forgot to share with you all one really exciting thing that happened to me! I already shared with you this...

It is my newest design in the Fall 2010 Vogue Knitting. Knit in my Julia Yarn, of course. One thing I forgot to share with you is an idea for customizing this design using the many extra charts in the back of my newest book Color by Kristin. You might wonder what is significant about this. Here's the thing - the design in VK has raglan shaping and is an easy fitting design in a large range of sizes. Most of the garments in Color By Kristin are straight with drop shoulders. So this design gives you another shape to play with all the extra charts that are included in my newest book. In the book, I give complete instructions for how to plug in and substitute different charts. If you are trying to spread your knitwear design wings, this is a great way to begin. The book is of course available signed on my website here.

So here is the big news...... As I told Julia I've been waiting for 25 years for this one.... There is a two page article in the new VK profiling me! It's called "Kristin Nicholas, In Living Color" and it is in their new section called "Knit Life." Isn't that really great? Wow - I am over the moon about this. VK has always been one of my favorite knitting mags so it is a real honor to be included. Thank you Trisha and all the other staff at Vogue Knitting for this great feature.

And here is some more exciting news. Vogue Knitting is doing a giant event in their hometown - NYC! and I've been invited to teach at it. I can't wait! The dates are January 21 to 23, 2011. Here is the link to VOGUE KNITTING LIVE - THE EVENT!

Hope to see some of you in Minneapolis in a couple weeks where I will be teaching at the giant "CREATIVE CONNECTION!" You can check out all that is to offer here on their website. What a wonderful roster of teachers they have put together for all kinds of
creative endeavors!

That's it for today.... Back to work - ooohhhh - where did the summer go?


  1. I was really please to see not only your design but the article as well. I didn't realize this was your first two page spread with Vogue. Congratulations! that is great. take care and enjoy the fall

  2. How wonderful!!!! Congratulations to you! I just love that sweater design, too. Someday I will be accomplished enough to make it. :)

  3. What a wunderful blog you have! Very very nice and so many pictures of your farm and what you make and your life. I will tell about your blog in my blog (only in Swedish) so you know that. Hope you don't mind!

  4. It was a wonderful article Kristin! It is so nice to see your beautiful work in such a lovely publication! Yay for you neighbor!

    I hope to get to the Vogue event... Not sure if XRX or Malabrigo will send me. Need an assistant? ;)

  5. Well done! I'm so pleased that you've been honored. I love your work and color. I wish I could go to NYC but the price tag (although completely worth it) is just too steep.

  6. Woo! I live in NYC and think I'll probably be able to go to that event. It will be neat to meet you!

  7. i had seen this, congrats! And on the NY teaching, wish i could fund it, it looked sooo good! You will have a blast, and will have to show us pics after!
    Still need to try your Julia yarn, lol!

  8. I saw both the article and pattern and should have stopped in sooner to offer my congratulations.

    Woo-hoo for the recognition of hard work and talent!!

  9. My copy of Vogue arrived last week and it was wonderful to see you profiled! Honestly, what took the editors so long? You're a premiere knit and craft designer with a terrific portfolio, Kristin. Your early work for Classic Elite was ground-breaking—introducing knitters to a range of ethnic textile patterns and clean lines. They should give you twelve pages!

    That said, it was a wonderful profile to read…

  10. Hi Kristin,

    I really want to make that sweater and I have your book -- I can see stash busting in a serious way and making two -- one as is, the other using ideas in the book. Thanks! And congratulations!


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,