
Sunday, October 31, 2010

All Hallow's Eve

For all of you out there (especially the knitters), check this out. Thanks to my friend Nancy K. in Minnesota for sending the link my way! Incredible!

As we were greeted in a restaurant en France when we were on vacation ages and ages and ages ago ......

" 'appy 'al-o-wen!"

I will never forget those faces, nor the mystery of what the heck they were saying to us. We did figure it out....

I'll be at Stitches in Hartford at the Westminster booth until sometime in the afternoon. Trick or Treating tomorrow night so must rush back to the farm for Julia. It has been a great show so far. I met tons and tons of wonderful, enthusiastic knitters on Saturday. Stop by and say hi if you come. There are lots of lovely yarns, books and fibers to buy! Or just to look at......

Don't forget to enter the October Giveaway #4. Scroll down and you'll see it. The deadline is November 2nd so you still have a couple days.


  1. Hi Kristin, and happy Hallowe'en!
    Tonight will be Lorelei's first time trick-or-treating. We're taking her to Montague Center; have heard it's great on Hallowe'en night. Hugs to Julia!

  2. Ohhhhhh Myyyyy...That is amazing! I cannot imagine the hours, days, months...Years? that it took to knit that! Thanks for sharing.


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Have a great day,