
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sheep are Smarter than Humans in a Snowstorm

During any storm, the sheep prefer to be outside.

They snuggle down in the snow and let the flakes fall down on them.

They know not to move around too much. They don't worry about running to the store to pick up milk and bread, risking life and limb. When the storm is over, they head on over to the bales of hay that The Farmer has brought in for them and they start eating.

It is a totally peaceful scene and I always marvel at the simple beauty and calm of our flock of in a snowstorm.

I swear they look at me out there taking photos and just roll their eyes!


  1. Kristin ... I just love your sheep pictures ... and they are much smarter than those of us who actually need milk when those "stormcrazed" folks clear the shelves!

    And that stocking cap in the sidebar is gorgeous .... your sense of color always impresses me!

  2. Love your sheep pictures! I read this shortly after texting my husband to go to the store for milk before the snow hits tomorrow. Wish I could snuggle down and knit tomorrow.

  3. they look so peaceful!

    It is so crazy to me that you're only a few hours drive from the Bronx. Totally different world.

    The past two days during the storm I've been listening to my downstairs neighbor practice his bass for touring with a bachata band. Although over the past few years I've listened to him so much that when he's on tour I feel like something is... missing. Heh.

  4. I love the sheep pictures but, seeing them hunkered down in the snow makes me thankful that I live where the sun is shining and the temperature is a balmy 72....Santa Barbara, CA. Martha

  5. I love these pictures! They are beautiful and wise animals.

  6. I love looking at your sheep. I have no idea if they are as peaceful as they look, but looking at them gives me a sense of peace.

  7. These are great shots to PROVE that your YARN has been "Pre-Tested" for WINTER CONDITIONS!

  8. Love looking at your sheep at peace in the snow. And glad to know that Southerners are not the only ones to run to the store for bread and milk before the storm!

  9. I'm very partial to sheep, and these are particularly lovely. I spent Christmas in snowy Scotland where the sheep were behaving similarly. What I particularly like about them is that they all have different faces, and a way of looking at me when I take their pictures that makes me feel a bit inferior.......Love your blog!

  10. The sheep do look comfortable!

    Your pictures are so lovely. If didn't know how much work farming is I'd be tempted to move into the country and buy a few sheep!

  11. Sheep pictures are my favorite. And sheep in the snow pictures are even better. While I know a bit about wool and knitting, etc., I know very little about sheep. And so I'll apologize in advance of my question. Why is it that wool is not damaged by moisture, snow or rain, while it is still attached to a sheep, but is easily felted when I handle it incorrectly?


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