
Tuesday, February 08, 2011

A Special Movie of Two Ewes Lambing at Leyden Glen Farm

Last Friday morning, I was helping with chores at the barn. I had my camera with me, as I usually do during lambing season. I was really lucky to witness two ewes each giving birth to twin lambs. Most of the time, the ewes will lamb when we aren't around so I felt incredibly fortunate. 

On Monday I went to Brattleboro to visit my friend Beth Brown-Reinsel. She helped me learn a little bit about iMovie '11. Boy - some learning curve. The last version I had of iMovie was '05. The new version can do a lot if you can figure it out. Check out all of the videos Beth has been posting on You Tube here. They are really great and show many of the techniques she teaches in the knitting classes she travels the USA teaching.

This morning I went down to the barn (did I mention we got another half a foot of snow last night?) to help out. I also took my computer and recorded the audio. Let me warn you - if you have a Border Collie, this video could drive them nuts - it does ours. They look all around for the sheep and can't find them!

If you prefer to watch the video on YouTube, here is the link. Share it with your friends - because it sure is the miracle of nature. Pass it along to your home schooling friends too! I like to envision many of you sitting in your offices, perhaps in a high-rise in a very large city, watching our sheep lamb..... It's such a wonderful thought that the internet can make the miracles of farming available to so many people. Enjoy!


  1. How wonderful - thanks for sharing this! I've been witness to the births of several foals, but never sheep. What wonderful mothers and beautiful lambs! There was a lot of sheep chatter on the video...guess it's a good thing my old border collie doesn't hear so well anymore. :-)

  2. Wow, that was something else! Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  3. Just so happens I'm sitting on the 13th floor of a 64 floor building in Houston watching your video. I looooove the pics of your farm and the animals. The snow is beautiful, but I don't think I could handle more than a couple of days. Thanks so much for all of the pics and stories about the farm. I have showed them to my children and I was surprised Saturday morning when I turned on Knit and Crochet Today on PBS and there you were knitting socks! Way cool. And... I just oredered the felted zippered bag pattern. Thanks again!!!

  4. Oh, that was so cool! Thanks so much for sharing it. I loved all the sheepy noises in the background. I'm watching from the cold and snowy woods in northern Minnesota, and that just warmed me up all over!

  5. I've got chills! I can't wait to have my own ewes some day. I really want to quit my job and just do wool 24/7. If only I could win megabucks!

  6. Very cool! Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed it.

  7. Lovely way to start the day, thank you!

    Stupid questions:

    Why are some lambs so yellow?
    The first ewe delivered standing up, the second ewe was on her side. Is that because she's got more experience? Or do they have personal preferences?

    Reminds me, sort of, of home delivering my second baby. Except the ewes are much more lady-like than I

    Oh, I loved the soundtrack, baa, baa, baa.

    Susie in Southern Tier, New York State

  8. Great pics. My first lambs of the year are due on the 13th and I'm getting impatient! :-)

  9. Thanks so much for sharing that! So beautiful. Great reminder that Spring is not far away.

  10. I was thinking of you last night while watching "Edwardian Farm" with my kids. Have you seen that British series (it's on youtube)? It's about an English Farm recreated to be in the 1910's and they have a section about lambing. It was in the March episode which was either no 6 or no 7.


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,