
Monday, February 21, 2011

Spring Thaw

Beautiful sky the other day as I returned home from chores. My neighbor's wrapped haylage is under mounds of snow.


We had a bit of a spring thaw last week. And it was much needed. 

The ewes are lambing every day. Eighteen one day, twenty-two the next, eight the next, and sixteen the next. Our numbering system has gone awry. Every morning when The Farmer arrives at the barn, he counts the new lambs and then tries to determine who the mother is. Sometimes it takes a day of us watching them, looking for clues to who is nursing from which mom. If we are lucky, we can get a number on the lambs denoting which number sheep their mama is. Trouble is, lots of the mother's eartags have fallen off while they have grazed over the last year. The best of plans sometimes go wrong.

The ewes are enjoying the sunshine. They love to eat the snow that falls off the greenhouse barn.

Lots of the lambs are getting older - they are starting to pick at hay and becoming more curious. They sure are cute.

They love to lie on their mamas back. Who says sheep aren't smart? The mamas are dry and their backs are soft and fluffy.
Have a great week everyone!



  1. Interesting, as always...and the last picture is adorable.

  2. Cute is an understatement! The lambs must be so much fun to watch.

  3. When I was a little mama was one of those "Ewe's fluffy" kind of women. Her lap was so soft and squishy and I loved it. I was so shocked when I got to kindergarden and saw skinny moms! to me, that was just wrong!
    XO, Cheryl

  4. i just love your pictures, and all that I learn from your blog. Do you ship your lamb out of state?

  5. Some of those lambs are looking old enough to be starting the Lambie Olympics. I don't miss lambing, but I do miss those olympics!

  6. I just love all the sheep pictures! I can only imagine the huge amount of work you all put in to this lifestyle, but it's obviously one you love and that makes everything worthwhile! Happy lambing.

  7. Your lamb pictures are making me just itch as our own lambs are due in about a week - a much, much smaller flock. Did help out on a large ranch in S. Oregon again this year - 45-50 lambs a day - exhausting but terrific experience. I definitely see how the numbering system can get mixed up.

    Happy rest of Lambing.

  8. Your lamb pictures are adorable! It makes we want to head to the yarn shop and get some lambs wool yarn.

  9. Oh, thanks for the respite from the enduring winter here in the almost great white north. I love that little black lamb in particular!


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Have a great day,