
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pink Petal Carpet and a Bunny Visit

I've just packed Kimberly Nicado Reynolds, XRX's and Stitches' Markets' Social Media Director, into her rental car and pushed her down the road to visit Melissa Morgan-Oakes chicken farm which is one town from here. From sheep to chickens..... she's seeing it all here in western Massachusetts along with a bit of yarn. Follow her adventures here.

It's been raining for days but last night the sun finally broke through. I'm going to spend a good part of the day moving chicken manure to my garden which is still a ways from planting considering the water we have gotten. It is nothing compared to others, I know.... but it is wearing on us farmers up here and I can only imagine the crops and animals which have been lost in the midwest. My thoughts are with you all. 

The blooming of every kind of shrub has been cut short. The other day I was out in the rain and noticed a pink carpet under the ornamental crab apple tree. Beautiful petals and color gone for another year. 

And then this happened.... How incredible - a growing lamb walking across a pink petal carpet. I couldn't stop thinking about it. 

The rain came and I knew I wouldn't have much photo opp but I kept waiting for it to break. Although these aren't quite as I envisioned the photos in my mind, they are pretty surreal. I'm so used to seeing sheep set amongst green or brown or tan.

 To see them on a pink carpet was quite fun.


  1. I love the pink and sheep pictures! Just lovely! Thanks so much for sharing!


  2. Those are absolutely stunning photos! Beauteous! I just posted some apple blossom shots myself today... but these are incredible!

  3. Very cool. That last picture looks like an old hand colored print!

  4. The photos are unreal! As I don't have sheep (only a backyard here) I'd love a photo to frame!

  5. I love your pictures, have you every thought of doing a book? I have to try to paint the one of the lamb by himself. your pictures are beyond awesome. this city girl just loves your blog


  6. I love the photos. They almost look like they were hand-colored B/W photos.

  7. You have totally captured the mood! I love the grey/white sheep on the petal carpet!

  8. These are great! They almost look like paintings instead of photos. Well worthy of sale prints and a terrific addition to someones decor.
    We to have had more than our share of wet weather. The weight of the water in our sheep"s wool pulls down so much you can see their skin and when they shake it looks like a yard sprinkler. Our prayers go out to those experiencing the ordeal of the natural disasters.

  9. These pictures would make spectacular notecards! I would buy a bunch. Thanks for sharing.

  10. They may not be quite what you envisioned but they are lovely, just the same. Thanks for sharing them.

  11. Just a beautiful sight to capture...unreal! I love it!

  12. Gorgeous! I can't wait to show these to my daughter who adores lambs AND loves pink! Don't you love it when a beautiful farm scene just stays in your mind like that? What a gift....

  13. Just love the pink carpet! Love the photos!

  14. These pictures brightened my dreary and rainy day, thank you!

  15. That just made my morning. You have totally captured the mood! Thanks!

    Homeowner Insurance

  16. i'm not often for pink, but these photos are very beautiful

  17. What pretty photos! The sheep on pink are great! Thanks for sharing! And, good luck w/the garden...we're pretty wet here in RI, too!

  18. Yes to the person who suggested you make postcards. What an awesome vision. I love the photos. Thanks for sharing, as always. Carolyn

  19. Such wonderful images... so like a dream!

  20. Lovely shots. I think they would make a wonderful addition to your photo cards.


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Have a great day,