
Wednesday, June 01, 2011

The Winner of the May Giveaway is.....

But first a little kitten love. Are they not the cutest? I guess they are staying. We are incredibly attached and have named them Petunia (the tabby on the left) and Ziggy. What you don't see in this photo is the little lamb running through the living room in front of the chair the kittens are sitting on... Always something here.

The winner of the May Giveaway is ........ drumroll please...... PghCathy who wrote: My knitting time stays the same, but I do switch to smaller projects, hats, socks/mittens, or children's sweaters. It can get just too hot to have lots of yarn in my lap. Congratulations on 5 years! I've enjoyed every post.
I have contacted her and am awaiting a shipping address. 

I want to thank all of you who entered this contest - it was overwhelming the number of entrants. I loved reading all the comments about summer crafting. Seems like I'm not the only one who slows down their production of wooly yarn related products. Although it seems like so many of you just keep it going in front a fan or an air conditioner. I really appreciate your input and honesty with the comments you leave on the giveaways. They give me insight to what you enjoy doing and reading and help me to better target the blog to your likes and dislikes. But don't get me wrong - I'm still going to keep doing what I do here because part of this whole thing is helping me to see that I do exist and what I do is worthwhile. That's the funny part of blogging - you get back lots of what you put in. It's what keeps me going and for that I thank you kind readers for staying with me.

I've got one more really fabulous giveaway coming up in June so check in so you can sign up! Again, thanks for all the comments and insight!


  1. Hi Kristin. I have enjoyed your last few posts, especially the one about what to let go of. Come summer, I think I have taken on much too much, and knitting takes a backseat to gardening and keeping up with preserving summer's bounty for the fall and winter to come. Then, knitting becomes something I do in the car on long trips and during my vanpool commute, with perhaps a bit thrown in over some vacation time. It is almost a guilty pleasure during the summer! Stay true to what gives you happiness and peace, and let go of what does not. Thanks for blogging! Claudia from Morning Calm Farm in centrally isolated Pennsylvania

  2. The kittens are so cute esp. the grey one. Wish I lived closer and could adopt them.

  3. Kristin, you most definitely *do* exist and what you do is *very* worthwhile! Thank you for sharing so openly ~ you are an inspiration.

  4. Oh the kittens are so cute! They look so cozy. I have a bunch too. Anyone in NE Ohio who gets the oohs and aahs, come on over, lol! Congrats Cathy

  5. We need to see a picture of the lamb running through the living room!!

  6. The kittens are darling! Especially Petunia! <3


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Have a great day,