
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Blue Hydrangeas in the Garden

Busy week getting ready for my first "Get Stitched on the Farm" Knitting Retreat coming up this weekend. So much to do, list so long, never will it all get done. Oh well. Check out the upcoming schedule here on my "Get Stitched Retreat Website." I'm especially looking for a few more students for the September 9/10th class.

It has been a wacky gardening year here as I assume all over the country. Just heard via our "farmers hotline" this: "Home Depot brought basil plants from down South which are infected with Downey Mildew. For anyone growing basil in the greenhouse or outside, this can completely devastate your crop. It is important to begin field scouting now. Once this spreads, it can become a real nightmare. Look for any yellow or chlorotic spots on the upper portions of the leaves, and the tell tale black "sooty" looking mold on the leaf undersides."

Check your basil plants if you are growing them!

That said - the blue hydrangeas here in western Massachusetts are glorious! 

I planted about 10 hydrangeas (all different varieties) several years ago. I usually have only one bush that blooms. Not this year.... a bunch of them are loaded. The gorgeous blue color helps to cool you down just by looking at it!

Don't forget to sign up for the Giveaway that ends Wednesday night for Brett Bara's new book.


  1. I wish we could get our Hydrangeas to turn blue, but we live in Iowa where the soil is very alkaline. No matter what I add to the soil to acidify it, the best I can do is kind of a mauve color.

  2. so pretty I love them they are just the prettiest flowers and so big..make a great vase flower...sometimes food coloring helps the color...???

  3. The hydrangeas are beautiful....such a pretty colour. Wish you lived closer, 'cause I would sign up for your class in a second.

    P.S. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog the other day and taking the time to leave a comment — it made my day. Really.

  4. My Western Oregon sky matches your beautiful blue hydrangeas. Glorious!

  5. Interesting about the basil. When I went to the garden center back at the beginning of June to buy basil, they told they were having a problem with their suppliers. It seemed like it was dead by the time their shipments arrived. They decided to grow their own so it looks like I am safe.


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,