
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fog and Webs

The other day I was up early in the garden with my camera before the heat. I had just helped pack the truck for the Saturday Farmers Market and decided to steal a little time with my camera before waking Julia and heading on down to the market to help sell. It was one of those dreamy misty mornings with everything covered in a heavy canopy of dew. The garden shed sat sturdily amongst the fog guarding my newly mulched veggie garden.

 I have been using cardboard and rotted leftover 800 pound bales of hay to mulch my veggie and cutting garden the past few years. It works great. I don't even weed before I mulch - just plop down the cardboard and pile the hay on top. Collecting enough cardboard is the toughest thing but I know where the local appliance store's dumpsters are! This year I went through 3 enormous bales. I'm lucky we've got a tractor to move them and we always have some bales left that aren't good enough for the sheep to eat.

As I walked around, Charlie my faithful feline followed close behind. All over the yard, all of the animals were busy. The lambs were grazing, chickens pecking away, guineas making their funny noise, and cats busy hunting. I know this place is busy but watching it that morning made me realize how really busy everything is here.

The light was so incredibly beautiful. The holly hocks are setting their buds, preparing for their show. 

I've been watching this strange plant which I assume is one of my old allium bulbs which has mutated. It has the oddest blooms on it. 

And that morning they were all wrapped in spider's web.


 Another busy creature!

Suddenly the sun appeared and the fog began to lift away. Charlie settled in on the rock wall to take a nap. 

I went inside to rouse Julia and we headed off into the busy hot day. Nice to have some photos to remember the stillness of the fog and the busyness of all the creatures' busy lives.

The Chihuly Exhibit at the MFA in Boston will be closing August 7th. It is certainly worth a special trip if you are planning any summer escapades. Here's the link for further info.The glass flowers below almost mirror the spiderweb in the photos above, don't they?


  1. Thank you, Kristin, I enjoyed this so much.

  2. I absolutely love the last spiderweb picture- beautiful!

  3. It looks absolutely magical. Definitely worth rising early for! Thanks for sharing the lovely pictures.

  4. You have some frame worthy art in these photographs.

  5. Isn't early morning such a special time? Your photos are lovely. I can almost hear all of the gentle sounds too.

  6. Gorgeous!
    I think that Chihuly show , or some version of it was her in San Francisco a few years ago. My son and I LOVED it. Glass gardens

  7. Lovely lovely pictures, Kristen. Early mornings are so worth it when they look and feel like that.

  8. Beautiful photos, thanks so much for sharing. Be sure to post some of the hollyhocks in flower. They are one of my favorites but don't do well in our MD heat & humidity.

  9. This looks so beautiful! Can I please come sit in your adirondak chairs! I'll even bring my own wine. =)

  10. Those are some very nice web shots. This post almost makes me feel like getting up at what I call stupid o'clock isn't so bad. :)

  11. The shed in the mist is just amazing, Jane Austen-ish!! All the pictures are fabulous. Are you planning a book on your nature pictures combined into knitted items? We had fog roll in off Lake Michigan yesterday that closed 23 beaches. What a phenominal sight that was! Stay cool with a big glass of lemonade!!

  12. Your photography is amazing. Thank you for sharing the country story with us.

  13. Beautiful...these would make really nice greeting cards...hint hint.
    Especially the Charlie shots and spider webs....makes me want to get up early, I miss so much!

  14. gorgeous day there! love the pics. morning glories sure are beautiful and if they aren't a problem in your area then why not? we are working on planting many many natives too. have you read doug tallamy's bringing nature home? it's a great book and we highly recommend! take care.

  15. Hi there, nice information provided. thanks for that. keep posting of blogs in the future. thanks once again..


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