
Saturday, August 13, 2011

THIRTEEN! + The Country Living Blue Ribbon Blogger Awards

Summer is ripping along. Things are busy, busy, busy here - as I assume things are at each of your homes. Why is summer so short? One thing is for sure, the fleeting of the season makes me appreciate every beautiful warm and sunny day. It won't be long til the woodstove will be going and we will be making all kinds of efforts to keep warm. 

Julia is done with summer school and we are trying to pack in all our summer activities into one month. Because of her hydrocephalus and the complications that have come with it, she is fortunate to continue working with the many fine educators in our school system through part of the summer. (If you want to learn more about "Julia's Story" you can read this post.) This year she will be moving up to the middle school. She's going from a very small public elementary school (only 55 children) to a regional school of over 500 students. Should be an interesting transition year for all of us.

A couple weeks ago, Julia turned thirteen. It's hard to believe that so many years have passed in such a flash. As each of her birthdays rolls around in July, I can't help but think back to the rocky start we all had. We feel so fortunate that she is doing so well. Julia's birth issues forced me to re-assess the path of my professional life. 

When people ask me for advice on designing knitwear, writing books, starting a small business, going out on their own, I always tell them just to go for it. Some career moves aren't planned, they just happen. Sometimes they work out for the best, sometimes they don't. I never know where each day will lead, nor each project. I think the most important thing in to try to stay somewhat focused with an end goal in mind. If the end goal morphs into something else, that's okay. Life is an organic experience and I try to remain open to its quirks, changes and opportunities. 

My veggie and flower garden is starting to overflow with late summer produce and color. It's a bountiful time of year with so much to tend to in the garden. I get torn between leaving my garden when the harvest is just about to be crazy and visiting relatives and friends in August. Because of Julia's shortened summer schedule, we try to pack as much into four weeks as we can. I hope I have many more summers to be around for the harvest. I know I do not have many more summers to spend hours with Julia. Time with her wins out over making sure the garden is plucked free of fruits and veggies.

Lastly, Country Living Magazine is sponsoring a "Blue Ribbon Blogger Awards" Contest. If you like what you read here and want to nominate "Getting Stitched on the Farm" to be looked at by the panel of judges, go to this link. Deadline for nominations is August 15th. As always, I appreciate you taking the time to read my words, look at my photos, taking time out from your busy days. Good weekend everyone! We'll be at the Amherst Farmer's Market on Saturday and I hope to see some of you there.


  1. "Life is an organic experience and I try to remain open to its quirks, changes and opportunities."


  2. Happy Birthday to Julia!

    I hope this school transition goes well. In the meantime, enjoy the last bits of summer.

    The card that says "Julia is Thirteen" inspires me for the various birthday cards I am meaning to make for some August birthdays.


  3. I will definitely nominate your blog, as it's one of my favorites!

  4. Happy Birthday to Julia! Love the "Julia is thirteen" card.

  5. Summer is like all-year-long here in this tropical area. So I consider you super lucky to have a short one.

  6. Gardens are beautiful but they don't compare to our children. Good luck with your blog. I would love for it to win, I enjoy it a lot!!

  7. I was so touched by your story of how you went into business and your love for your daughter. And, like MarmePurl found the quote to be quite profound. Jo

  8. JULIA! Happy Belated Triskaideka-Birthday, Sweetie!

    KRISTIN - "NOM"iDeed is DONE! -- I *HOPE* You WIN, as You really DO deserve it!! BTW, I'm going to mention it on My Bloog Entry tonight... Perhaps that'll get You a few more "Votes"?

    GOOD LUCK, Hon!

  9. Happy B day Girly Girl! Mine turned turned 13 this year too. What an exciting age!

  10. Happy Birthday Julia! You are growing up SO FAST!

    Love, Beth

  11. Happy Belated Birthday Julia! Thank you for sharing your story, and enjoy the last few weeks of summer. You will be great in middle school.

  12. Appreciate and can't agree more with your attitude and outlook, Kristin! Have a lovely August break!

  13. I've nominated your blog! And I mean it! You update your blog very regularly and I appreciate the time, effort and thought that you put into your blog.

  14. Happy birthday, Julia! I hope you have a wonderful year being 13 and making friends at your new school.

  15. Happy birthday to Julia! What a fabulous card. Love it! :) Just visited Country Living's site to nominate your blog. Fingers crossed!

  16. Happy belated birthday to Julia! My oldest turns 13 the end of September! It is kind of hard to believe.


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,