
Monday, June 23, 2014

Gardening Here - How about You?

I've been working on my garden. Have it about half of the veggie/cutting garden planted and still working through all the winter mess that accumulates around a place like this. I've taken a few photos of things that are blooming now. This blog is great to record year to year so I don't have to remember how things used to be. 

I use galvanized pots from the farm supply store for my geraniums. The sticks protect the plants from the marauding dogs that tend to destroy everything. 

Here are my mosaic pots planted with blue wave petunias and salvia.

I went with a blue theme this year so the plants would contrast against the bright yellow studio door. 

The lady's Mantle and the lambs' ears are at their peak now. Love this combo - such texture.

My grandma used to have hens and chickens in her rock garden. I have collected a few different kinds and grow them between the stones on the patio. Some are blooming now. 

Speaking of flowers, I love the oil paintings done by the Australian artist Laura Jones found via The Design Files. Have a great week everyone.


  1. These are very pretty and so different from what we have in South Carolina! I came back from a week in the Lowcountry and some of my pot plants had burned up in the heat, despite being watered. And my pumpkin vine fell to borers, as happens every year. The tomatoes are looking great, though! Picked the first one on the first day of summer.

  2. Beautiful pots and planters and I love your yellow door. I'm feeling inspired to get out and garden, but still my overriding need is to quilt! I've set up my outdoor studio for days now so I can sit and sew outdoors. Only downside is bringing it all in at night - well worth it though! Enjoy your planting.

  3. Your gardening looks lovely. And I adore that door!

  4. Just gorgeous - especially with that bright yellow door! Love the galvanized tubs...


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Have a great day,