
Friday, November 07, 2014

A Little Walk in the Orchard

Took Winston, Kate and Ness on a little walk to find some color yesterday on a very gray day in early November. Although the colors have changed, there is always something I can find to look at and give me a little bit of warmth. Here are some photos from our walk. The colors are really going dark and eerie, aren't they?


Someone asked me a few weeks ago how Winston was doing. Glad to report that our lamb losses have been much fewer than when he wasn't around. He is three now and seems to know his job and responsibility. Some nights he barks all night long - good thing we don't have close neighbors. I wake up and listen to him, trying to figure out where he is - sometimes far away, sometimes pretty close. I can always tell when he has had a busy night - he won't even wake up when I go outside in the morning. He is one big guy that is for sure. He still is very timid around anyone he doesn't know. 

Most of the sheep in the photos are last winter's lambs. You can see the size variance which depends a lot on the breed. Two rams are also amongst this flock of lambs as we removed them from the older ewe flock. See if you can pick them out - a Polypay ram and a Cheviot ram.   

A couple of interesting things to share this week.......
•If you have always thought about having your own fabric line, you might want to read this eye-opening article by Abby Glassenberg about the amount of money fabric designers make. 
•If you are an artist thinking you might want to license your work, I highly recommend listening to this podcast over on Smart Creative Women.

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. November has its own distinct beauty. Thanks for sharing.

  2. beautiful as usual -it is the small details that make you stop in wonder also I love the smiles of the dogs
    thank you


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