
Friday, February 20, 2015

What a Day

Julia and I are back from eastern Massachusetts. We spent a couple days with my sister at her family's home looking at mounds and mounds of snow. It is really amazing. All night long, I could hear dump trucks and front loaders removing the snow. They still have so much more to remove and I wonder where they are putting it all. 

On Wednesday night, I did my first speaking engagement about my new book Crafting a Colorful Home. I had a great group come out on a frigid night and it was so much fun to meet so many wonderful women who were interested in what I had to say and show them. Thanks to the lovely owners of Black Sheep Knitting Company who invited me. 

My sister Laurie helped me run the projector at the talk and at the end of it, I shared photos of her lovely home that are on the website. She is also an artist and decorative painter and since everyone was so enthusiastic about her work, I thought it would be fun to share it here too. Check out Laurie's colorful home here

I took this photo of the gorgeous antique woodburning stove that is in her kitchen. It was original to the house and luckily noone ever removed it. We were huddled around it for a few days because it was so cold. 

This morning when I woke up, I discovered that one of our cats (which one? I wish I knew!) decided to use my computer bag as a litter box (hence the title of my post). I opened the computer up after toweling all the liquid up and it started smoking. Not a good day here. I've been to Brown Computers twice today in Brattleboro and hopefully tomorrow, I will be picking up a new MacBook. Lucky for me, the hard drive is fine but the old laptop was fried. 

Keep buying books and patterns friends because it is going to take lots of sales to pay for my new one. I am so dependent on my computer. Luckily I had backed it up just a week ago so even if the hard drive was gone, I would have most of my files. It is going to take me a few days to get it all sorted out. 

I did ask the folks at Brown if they had ever heard cat urine frying a computer and no, they hadn't. Cat throw-up yes, cat pee - no. I guess there is a first time for everything. Do you have any entertaining computer crisis stories? 

Have a great weekend everyone! Bear with me as postings, photos, etc. may be lacking until I get my new laptop up and running. I never relish getting all the programs running like they were before the cat incident or whenever upgrading a computer system. 


  1. okay... You "win"! - As opposed to my "day"! [and, just another reason why I'm *not* a Cat-Person] -- BTW, *next* time, paper towel as much fluid as possible, then cover with dry rice [I suppose cat litter would do too, but there are too many mystery chemicals]. "Theoretically" the rice should absorb all of the moisture. Then have a techie person turn it on... And, find a way of sterilizing it!
    oh, have you checked with your insurance company? As it's possible that your "household" or even "business" policy might cover the replacement cost..? Depending on your deductible, it might be worth checking out.

    whatever. Suppose it could've been worse... The Cat could've posted a selfie-video! -- ahh, better check your YOUTUBE account...
    *HUGS*! -- And remember to ZIP-UP your bags in Fututre!

  2. One of my cats did something similar (male cat marking) to a desktop computer that was open on the floor for swapping some parts. It shorted out too! Now I make sure to keep them out of reach. Checking your insurance policy is a good idea; you should listen to your "aunties." LOL Oh, and google "snow farms" for info about what MA is doing with some of their snow.

  3. Look for a cat with a frizzled bum. That one will be the culprit :)

  4. Lots of people manage to drop their cell phones into the toilet. The fix for that is to put it into rice, which was already mentioned. The thing to remember is to refrain from turning on any wet electronics. I spilled coffee on my laptop (a lowly PC, no Macs here) and quickly unplugged and took out the battery. Then I disassembled it so that I could rinse off the keyboard and let the inside dry out. That endeavor was successful and that laptop lived on.

  5. Oohhh, bad kitty!! I have 'mischievous' cats too, and while they are lovely companions and friends most of the time, their 'habits' can be quite annoying and expensive! So sorry about the computer.

    I'm in MA visiting my sister and yes, she wins on the snow total (compared to ME). Still, we have quite enough as well. I'm scurrying home today ahead of the next storm....sigh.

  6. I spit a great mouthful of tea into my last laptop. Unsalvageable, regrettably all my own fault, but by no means as gross as your experience. I am sick of snow up to my waist but here on the Cape we are on easy street compared to Boston.

  7. I had a similar experience--my first computer ever--and the cat peed on the keyboard--fortunately, it wasn't a laptop! I took the keyboard apart, cleaned it and dried it--and it was good to go--so sorry that you need to get a new computer!

  8. Buy liquid protection insurance for your new computer. My daughter and my niece both had glasses of water dumped on their laptops in the same week. My daughter's accident was courtesy of an over-enthusiastic puppy leaping across a coffe table, the other just an ordinary accident. Rice didn't work for either. Opening it up and drying it out didn't help. Apple profits up that week as they both had to replace their machines. My daughter asked if she should buy the insurance. I asked her if her lifestyle was likely to change! Insurance purchased!

  9. Yes, cat urine just about everywhere at one time or another but we all love all the babies! It's just another liquid so I repeat what others say - quickly unplug or don't turn on; disassemble, to be particular rinse with distilled water or swab with rubbing alcohol, but dry before using again. Ugh.

  10. My parrot plucked most of the keys off my keyboard one time. Lots of little black alphabet squares all over the floor. Funny how you think you type pretty well but once the keys were gone, I had no idea which letters were where.

  11. My parrot plucked most of the keys off my keyboard one time. Lots of little black alphabet squares all over the floor. Funny how you think you type pretty well but once the keys were gone, I had no idea which letters were where.


Thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I love hearing from you.

Have a great day,