
Monday, September 07, 2015

Such a Beautiful Time of Year

Thinking about what to title this post this morning and I didn't want to be a bummer. I know that summer is over with the arrival of Labor Day and Julia is already back at school. But I must admit, I love this time of year when the heat subsides and the colors start changing and the warm gold tones are all around us here in New England. 

I was sweating bullets this year with my usual lateness in planting my garden. This year I was slowed by not having a rototiller working. When it came back after a several hundred dollar fix, the tire went flat. I gave up on asking The Farmer for anymore garden help because he is so darn busy haying and moving sheep around. I called a local landscaper who for $100 did a bang-up job plowing my soil. Next year, I will call Doug early. Someone remind me please!

I have pretty much given up growing many veggies because they are in such bounty at the Farmers Market where I sell our lamb meat at. And those organic farmers do such a superior job to what I ever can do. This year, I limited my veggies to cukes, zucchini, yellow squash, and basil and put the rest of the garden into annual flowers for cutting bouquets. Flowers are seriously what I love. They inspire me and give me great joy. 

I put half my garden into sunflowers - about 13 varieties. I didn't begin planting until after the 4th of July and was still planting in late July. I have been sweating bullets that they wouldn't bloom. I can't water because we don't have enough water in our well so I rely on Mother Nature. About 2 weeks ago, we had a massive morning thunder and lightening storm which caused all kinds of grief but it did wonders for my sunflower crop. The water combined with extreme heat and humidity and a thorough weeding job did the trick. I'm happy to report the Sunflowers at Leyden Glen Farm will bloom and it will be a gorgeous show here on the blog. 

Here are some photos of my late summer garden. I hope you are enjoying your day off if you have one for Labor Day. Hopefully I will now be back here on the blog a bit more now that summer is over and a routine has developed. I missed writing to you all! Enjoy the day!


  1. I planted sunflowers as well this year and they are nothing but a wonderful treat!

  2. Kristin - I can't wait to see your beautiful sunflowers. I'm ready for the summer to be winding down, too. The heat here in the South has been unbearable on some days! However, we've had a lovely, almost cool (to us) Labor Day weekend. Thank you for your post !

  3. "..when the heat subsides..."??
    haha. I WISH! - Our temps are the same as yours today except we have a humidex of 104 right now! We're in our 3rd heatwave bout. There's a "rumour" of rain for tonight, but I'll believe that WHEN [IF] it happens!
    Anyhoo, the flora looks fab!
    Have a great L-Day!

  4. It's always a pleasure to see photos of your sunflowers. In the past, we've had huge patches of them. Somehow that hasn't happened lately. I think it has something to do with cows, pastures, and the nursery! Too much to do.
    Wishing you a beautiful September.

  5. I'm with you on the flowers vs. veggies. My poor tomatoes struggled so much this year, and most other things never thrived due to the lack of rain. Next year - sunflowers and other cutting flowers and garlic, and maybe some beans and basil. I'll leave the other veggies to the professionals!

    It's hot and humid in Maine today, but the leaves are starting to turn! I love September!


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Have a great day,