
Friday, September 25, 2015

Sunflower Season at The Farm

We've had a gorgeous stretch of weather here at the farm. Cold mornings with heavy mist in the field. It looks like a dream as you look out the window just before the sun rises. Once the sun passes over the moutain and the day becomes brighter, everything just says good morning sunshine! 

Here are some photos of the sunflowers I planted July 8 to 22 this year. Can you believe how big and beautiful they have gotten in such a brief period of time? Such happy flowers and I am so pleased that I can share them here with you all. 

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. These are BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Enjoy every moment of that pre-sunrise mist. I'll NEVER forget that morning last year when Rikki and I were driving in and got 'delayed' by the beauty of the fog in the trees!
    And I was SO sad to see about Winston. Rikki had been keeping me updated! xoxoxo!

  2. There's nothing like fancy, flouncy business with them..their beauty goes clear to the bone.

  3. Love their sunny, happy faces --always turned towards the sun and source of light.

  4. Oh thanks for sharing your beautiful sunflowers, Kristen! Love them!


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