
Friday, October 09, 2015

Cheryl's Sunflower + A Question for You All?

I've been trying to figure out how I can have a place on the web where people who are inspired by me, my books, farm, garden, art, or something I write here on the blog and other things could live. I know that if folks knit or crochet, they can post their projects made from my patterns to Ravelry. But Ravelry is finite - nothing but knit and crochet - no embroidery, no painting, no art, no food. 

First off, I'm wondering if anyone has an idea of an easy place for such a "page." I've been thinking about having a Facebook Group called "Inspired by Kristin Nicholas." I thought that might be kind of easy. But then, in my last "Getting Stitched on the Farm" Retreat, I mentioned it and NONE of the four students "did" Facebook. 

I often get emails with photos from people and do not always have time or space to write a blog post about each nice note or project. An open group might work because you all could just post it yourself? 

Do any of you have an idea for me? I don't think many people do Flickr anymore - goodness knows I could never figure it out. The biggest thing is -- it has to be easy for everyone to do - me and you.

Now, onto the subject of today's post called Cheryl's Sunflower. This past summer, I had a student at one of my retreats named Cheryl. She lives locally and signed up early for the Crewel Retreat. Cheryl really got into stitching. On Day Two, she printed some fabric to be stitched this winter. She also traced an outline of another student's - Cynthia - sunflower project. Here is the beginning of the stitching. 

Cheryl kept sending me progress of the pillow. 

She ran out of yarn and met me at the farmers market for extra supplies. 

What I loved about Cheryl's interpretation of her sunflower was the play and experimentation she did. She used so many different stitches. It really is so pretty. Best of all, she had a great time stitching it. 

She finished the pillow and sent me a photo. What a great job Cheryl. Thanks for sharing it with me and all of us. 

If you want to learn Crewel Embroidery, you can take my class Stitch It with Wool: Crewel Embroidery. Here is the link to get the class at $20 off the regular price of $39.99
You can purchase supplies  - linen, wool crewel thread, needles and hoops on my website here.  


  1. Kristin - you always inspire me!! I think an open fb page would be great! Maybe the easiest way. If people don't want a fb page, they can register w fb, then make sure no one can post on their page, only people in the group can see their page? and they could just post to your page?
    Or this blog - does it take pictures ?

  2. what about Pinterest: Discover and save creative ideas.

    People post ideas they like, are working on, feel inspired by.


  3. I'm not sure what the answer is, it seems like a FB open group page would be the easiest because everyone/anyone who joins the group could post onto the page and share. All of the other options require you to re=post things other people send you--even Pinterest, though that might be the next easiest. I'm sur ethere are other solutions that teachers use, I am just not sure what they are!

  4. Pinterest is the best place for ideas.
    Greatings from Switzerland XD

  5. I'm more enthralled with Instagram right now than anything else. It's easy to find stuff using hashtags (#inspiredbyKristenNicholas) but it's a little cumbersome to learn to use it. Otherwise I'd prefer FB over Pinterest.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh, gosh..I don't do Facebook or Instagram. What about something like your Colorful Stitchery Stichalong? That was a fun place and as I remember so easy to post a photo..unless it was a lot of work for you.
    I do think that it's a fabulous idea! I am not that savvy with anything related to computers, but as I already said C.S.Stitchalong was easy for me.

  8. Or, perhaps host a LINK-UP Page..? Those of us who have blogs can link our posts to the LINK... Usually when you do it, you entry the URL of your post, I'm not certain as I'm not a FBer, but perhaps if it takes the URL of one's particular FB post, that might work too..? And, even from someone's website...

    whatever. I'm sure one of you more techy types will figure it out!

  9. I use Flickr, but it doesn't really support forum type interactions well. Craftster might support it but people who don't do Facebook sure won't do the old school Craftster.

  10. Kristin, A FaceBook page would be great, and so easy to respond to. If you were to continue your blog the FB page could have links to the posts on your blog too. I subscribe to several weaving pages on FB and love them. I would find it much easier to dialogue with you there. There will be people who want nothing to do with FB; that's ok. But consider this: if you want to continue to grow your customer base you need to be reaching out to younger people. They're on FB.

  11. Hi Kristin, My number one choice would also be a fb page. I'm a member of several fb knitting and crocheting groups and follow pages of several artists. I love having it all together like that and usually start my day with a look at what's new and inspiring. You could link your lovely blog posts as well.

  12. Kristin, if you think of the right way to do this, you might be the next internet millionaire. What you are looking for probably represents what other artists (though none are like you) would like to do also.

    So, start a whole new concept that doesn't require facebook.

    "Forum for combined arts/crafts/cooking"


  13. It's a great idea Kristen. I've just never got the hang of Instagram and hate FB but love Pinterest and find it easy to use with fewer annoying pop-ups than FB (I've actually closed my a/c). In college, teachers and students could post/submit work etc but it all ran off an intranet which would be too complex. Do hope that a solution presents itself - link ups are fun and quite easy, I think. You'll have to make it something that's not too time-consuming for you - you're very busy already. Maybe a monthly link up would be manageable? Or they could be themed - home, garden, makes etc Not sure if this helps!!!! BW Adaliza x

  14. ~ Fantastic idea ! My favorite for finding all kinds of inspiration is:
    pinterest. :)
    I enjoy pinterest a LOT & always find so many numerous images of any topic I'm searching for. Its easy with organizing images in as many sub categories as you wish. Pinterest is my first choice.
    Shell ~

  15. I love the idea. I think fb would be the easier place for everyone to post their pictures and discuss.


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Have a great day,