
Friday, October 16, 2015

Late Summer 2015 Garden at Leyden Glen Farm

This weekend it is predicted to get very cold. Frost is imminent. I always know it is coming. I dread that morning when I wake up and my cutting garden is drooping and brown. In one night's sleep, it disappears for another year. All the gorgeous color is gone. 

I'm not much of a buyer of cut flowers. They just aren't in my budget. I'll have to wait another several months until I enjoy the bright and happy colors of sunflowers and zinnias. But at least I have these photos to look back on. 

The cutting and herb garden was decent this year - once it got going. We didn't have much rain and when it did come, it came in torrential amounts. Once again, the giant bales of mulch hay saved my garden. Here are some photos of what it looked like at the end of the growing season.

Happy Fall everyone!


  1. They are forecasting snow here tomorrow night :(

  2. Kristin, we are also anticipating (but not long for) the first frost. I can still see some red roses blooming on my street.

    I found your prior post about the Madison Knitting Guild trip fascinating and thank you so much for sharing your report and the excellent photographs.


  3. It's been frost weather here all week and more to come... Even a chance of flurries tomorrow..?!! ugh. - I still have to get new rain gutters installed! - [The leaves have already fallen off of the mini trees growing in them!]

    stay warm!

  4. Plus, cut flowers are not as lovely as the garden ones. Frost last night here. Sigh.

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