
Monday, February 08, 2016

Getting Towards the End

It always seems that as we get to the end of lambing, there are more problems. I assume that is because the more fertile, perhaps healthier and more in their prime ewes get bred first and then lamb first. With the exception of non-mothering first timers, most of the early ewes to lamb are trouble free. As we get to the end, there are problems with ewes not delivering properly, lambs that have died inside their mothers, vaginal prolapses and more. I have learned to take it all in stride and not wig out about any of it. The Farmer is very matter of fact about pretty much everything in his life - including taking care of the sheep. It is a good trait to have. 

Little lamb staying out of the fray in the round bale feeder

We have over 200 ewes and none of them are pets. Only one has a name - Cora. She was Julia's bottle lamb when she was about 6. Cora is so calm and a great milker. She grows beautiful lambs. Every year we wonder if her productive days are over. She is 10 or 11 now - can't quite remember. 

This year she had twin girls - one black and one white. We are really thrilled because that means Cora will live on in our flock as her babies produce more Cora-lambs. These are her lambs - so sweet. 

In our earlier days of sheep farming, it was more emotionally difficult for me because every sheep had a name and a certain personality. I'm not sure which way I prefer it. I know it is a heck of a lot more work with 200 ewes than with 10. 

I usually go to the barns in the late afternoon when the sun is getting low in the sky. I help out with what needs to be done and then take some photos. The light is so pretty then. Here are some more photos of lambs and mamas taken last week. Right now we are in the middle of a snowstorm. We aren't supposed to get more than 6". Time will tell. 

Have a great week everyone!

Some of the lambs are getting quite big now

Just born
Boys will be boys. The older rams do this and it is amazing how early the baby rams start butting each other

This little guy was snuggled down in the straw for at least an hour.


  1. I just took a look at the radar map... yeah, you're getting smucked alright! :-[ It all slipped south of us. But COLDER temps are on the way! We've been having minor "melts" on and off for the past week or so... Everything is glazed over from the most recent temp drop. It's all shiny and SHARP!

    Anyhoo, loving the "baby" pics! And, good to see some black "yarn" heading into a future[?] "stash". :-]

    Stay WARM!

  2. I wondered to myself how you dealt with the hard, but true fact that these precious little creatures eventually end up on someone's dinner plate. You certainly can't get attached to them. I'm guessing they go off to a slaughterhouse when the time comes..... Thanks for the peek into the emotional side of being a "farmer's wife."

  3. I always find your thoughts inspiring since you live so much closer to nature... a reminder to be aware.... Thanks Kristen. Thinking of you.... xo

  4. Very nice article!!
    pictures looks so beautiful.!!
    Thanks for sharing! I am delighted to read this article.

  5. I understand the not getting attached... but I really like this line. "We are really thrilled because that means Cora will live on in our flock as her babies produce more Cora-lambs." And that is the circle of life isn't it?
    Hope all goes easily during the coming snows. Helen


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